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Economic Scenarios

Much of the Conte government investigated for the Lockdown. It would be too good if they were held responsible

The heavy part of the Conte bis government ended up under the magnifying glass of the Rome Prosecutor's Office, according to what was published by "La Verità". According to the newspaper , ministers Speranza, Di Maio, Lamorgese, Guerini, Gualtieri, Bonafede, De Micheli, Azzolina and Costa were entered in the register of suspects by the investigators – on March 28 former government yellow red. The facts are linked to the management of the pandemic in Italy, between lockdowns and bad choices. In fact, as we read in the newspaper, " the hypotheses of crime range from the usurpation of political power to aggravated abuse of office, from kidnapping to procured alarm, from private violence to the publication or dissemination of false, exaggerated or tendentious news, capable of disturbing public order ". Virtually all the legitimacy of the government's activity appears to be contested, as it would have acted completely outside its powers. Anything that resulted from the government's decision would be illegitimate.

The complaint, from which the investigation of March 28 started, stems from a first complaint presented on March 12 by a group of professionals, among which we can include above all doctors and lawyers, who turned to the Public Prosecutor of Catania with a folder of documents capable of demonstrating the type of crime. The denunciation, then, from Sicily ended up in Rome. Specifically, "The complainants asked that 33 investigations be launched and that the actual existence of multiple profiles of falsehood, arbitrariness in the exercise by the government of the political power attributed by law to Parliament, of scientific exploitation of news and / or sanitary and / or epidemiologically false, or manipulation in bad faith of scientifically true information in order to impose a false pandemic story on public opinion (and therefore also on elected representatives in Parliament […] with consequent infringement of the right to passive electorate […] and aimed at coercing the constitutional and political rights of citizens. ” Very serious accusations also involving Walter Ricciardi, the adviser to Minister Speranza, obsessed with lockdowns, and who would like a sort of perennial closure of Italy.

Let us not have great illusions: the judiciary permanently demonstrates its proximity to a certain type of power. But at least he shovels the scandalous management of Covid-19 in Italy. Better late than never, and we await the news from the Bergamo investigation….

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The article Much of the Conte government investigated for the Lockdown. It would be too good if they were held responsible comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gran-parte-del-governo-conte-indagato-per-il-lockdown-sarebbe-troppo-bello-se-li-ritenessero-responsabili/ on Thu, 21 Apr 2022 16:03:10 +0000.