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The incredible Russian video from 2014 that in THREE minutes clearly explains why Putin absolutely did NOT want to enter Ukraine

Far be it from us to want to give opinions on the good or the bad of this dirty war, which like all of us seems absolutely useless, bloody for many and profitable for the few, but given that never before is the battle in the media and Zlenesky commercials like now. we have seen too many, for a level playing field we publish this three-minute video that explains the reasons that Putin gave, in the now distant 2014, to stop a social uprising on what was happening in Donbass. The Russians, shocked by the events in Maidan and by the persecution against the Russian speakers of the Ukrainian region, were clamoring for a military intervention from Moscow to save those people.

But Moscow could not and did not want to intervene , and thus explained it to its citizens and to the rest of the world. The video was in fact translated into many languages, had tens of millions of views, but today it is almost impossible to find.

We consider it an important document to understand what the Russians' position was about the Donbass of the time and consequently about today's invasion.

Watch it calmly. In the end I will put my considerations. Good vision.


As you have seen, Putin was very lucid and far-sighted: exactly everything he tried to avoid has happened and is happening. And we sincerely hope it does not go further. Of course, in the light of his considerations, everything would seem, except that his actions are dictated by madness, illness or unconsulted aggression.

But I repeat: everyone is free to think as they see fit. Propaganda? Sure, but against the war, not because of the demand for new weapons. Fake? No, just foresight, no proclamations from deserted squares in chroma key. Lack of mental clarity? That would seem not to have the American president who constantly confuses the names of the states to defend and / or attack. Killer of civilians? Once you are at war, they are all murderers, bar none. Even the hidden prompters and those who throw fuel on the fire by sending other weapons.

The fact remains that the Russians already in 2014 knew exactly what is happening today, and they had communicated it to the whole world. Everyone ignored the message and the Donbass was devastated by 8 years of atrocious guerrilla warfare with tens of thousands of civilian deaths, to the indifference of all and with the silence of the media. Other than surprise invasion.

You are not chess champions by chance … (cit. Telegram channel of https://t.me/criscersei who brought to light the video and Mr. Mishkin (https://t.me/mrmyskin) and Kaspercarlo (https : //t.me/FronteSovranista) who found it in the Italian version with subtitles.

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The article The incredible Russian video of 2014 that in THREE minutes clearly explains why Putin absolutely did NOT want to enter Ukraine comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lincredibile-video-russo-del-2014-che-in-tre-minuti-spiega-esattamente-perche-putin-non-volesse-assolutamente-entrare-in-ucraina/ on Thu, 21 Apr 2022 15:00:40 +0000.