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Myanmar discusses with Russia the construction of its first nuclear power plant

During the first meeting of the joint coordination committee, established under the intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Myanmar, the construction of a nuclear power plant and the development of nuclear infrastructure in the country were discussed .

The meeting, led by Myanmar Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Aung Zeya and Rosatom Deputy Director General Nikolai Spassky, also covered the "regulatory framework for bilateral cooperation", staff training and public opinion issues on nuclear energy. Rosatom said that "a protocol was signed following the meeting".

Spassky also had meetings with Science and Technology Minister Myo Thein Kyaw and Electrification Minister Taung Khan, during which, according to Rosatom, “priority issues of cooperation were discussed in detail, with particular attention to construction of Russian-designed power units and the provision of nuclear infrastructure in Myanmar in accordance with the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency”.

According to the Ministry of Information of the government of Myanmar, " during the meeting Rosatom presented to the Ministry of Electricity the report of the pre-feasibility study of the thermoelectric power plant project carried out under the memorandum of understanding signed by the Ministry of Electricity and by Rosatom in November 2022 . Furthermore, a memorandum of understanding was signed in the field of evaluation and upgrading of nuclear infrastructures between the Ministry of Science and Technology and Rosatom”.

In February, agreements on the establishment of cooperation between the two countries for the peaceful use of nuclear technology were signed between Rosatom Director General Alexei Likhachev and Myanmar Prime Minister Major General Min Aung Hlain. In addition to the meetings, several other bilateral cooperation events were held, including the jointly organized Yangon Science Festival. Rosatom said both sides supported cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and that "expert consultations" would continue "in accordance with agreed programmes" with the "desire to rapidly translate this joint work into practice".

The agreements also provide for the creation of cultural events, such as a science fair in Myanmar.

Rosatom is showing great international commercial initiative in offering nuclear plants to developing nations, by virtue of its considerable know-how in the sector, tying them among other things in the provision of services such as fuel and waste storage. A remarkable business not only from an economic point of view, but also from a political strategy point of view . The countries of the European Union, for all their pomposity about technological superiority, are unable to offer anything like this because they are victims of a series of wrong choices from the past. Only France tries to compete in the sector, but it has serious limitations. In the end we are moving towards total irrelevance.

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The article Myanmar discusses with Russia the construction of its first nuclear power plant comes from Scenari Economics .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-myanmar-discute-con-la-russia-per-la-costruzione-della-propria-prima-centrale-nucleare/ on Thu, 29 Jun 2023 15:17:26 +0000.