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Nashville. The Mayor falsifies the data of COVID patients to keep the bars closed! Trump Junior: should go to jail immediately!

In Nashville, a city of 600,000 inhabitants, there are about 20,000 covid-19 positives. however, most of these cases are recorded in retirement homes or in construction activities. However, the mayor, the Democrat Leslie Waller, has imposed strict restrictions and closures on bars, restaurants and other small businesses, but the data reveals that the cases related to these activities are very few, of the order of a few dozen. At the end of July, at the height of the epidemic, only 80 cases were traced as coming from public premises. A disaster for the measures imposed by the mayor which appear useless if not counterproductive.

So what's the mayor doing? He orders that these data relating to patients connected to public places be kept secret, and above all the data relating to the relationship between public places and cases actually detected. But the devil makes the pots and not the lids and the emails between the mayor and the head of local health reached the public and, above all, the local television channels.

So public officials and the mayor conspired to hide the true data of covid-19 patients and justify a closure of the small businesses absolutely without medical sense. The economic damage for the community and for the entrepreneurs has been enormous and many have failed, all due to a clear and precise design of the Democratic Mayor.

The situation is so serious that, when it reached Donald Trump Junior's ear, it prompted him to demand the immediate arrest of the mayor and the diverted officials. But one question remains :; who will pay for the enormous damage to citizens?

Are we sure that such events do not also happen in Europe?

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The Nashville article . The Mayor falsifies the data of COVID patients to keep the bars closed! Trump Junior: should go to jail immediately! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/nashville-il-sindaco-falsa-i-dati-dei-malati-covid-per-tenere-chiusi-i-bar-trump-junior-dovrebbe-andare-subito-in-galera/ on Fri, 18 Sep 2020 06:00:36 +0000.