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Now in China they want an investigation into Tesla’s brakes

Just yesterday we pointed out how a protester at the Shanghai Auto Show had gone "Viral" after climbing on the roof of a Tesla and reporting the car's weak brakes. the car's brakes.

Now, the Chinese state media have begun to investigate and seek answers on the issue.

A CCTV broadcaster commentator requested an investigation into Tesla's brake failures following the accident.

According to CCTV, "the regulator may invite independent verification agencies that both the customer and Tesla can trust to test vehicles," according to a Reuters report on Tuesday. At the same time, it was reported that a major Chinese insurer temporarily stopped providing services to Tesla's new owners after the accident.

Then there was another accident involving a Tesla, or rather its brakes

in short, in China there has been a notable miscommunication on tesla, which joins the one that occurred in the USA after the Houston accident, which led to the NHTSB investigation. In China, nothing is born by chance, especially when it comes to communication, and if the tesla could be useful to counterbalance Trump's policy, it is now becoming an unwelcome guest, especially at a time when the domestic electric vehicle industry is churning out. a myriad of new models.

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The article Now in China they want an investigation into Tesla's brakes comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ora-in-cina-vogliono-unindagine-sui-freni-di-tesla/ on Wed, 21 Apr 2021 20:40:51 +0000.