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Economic Scenarios

Oderzo: he sets himself on fire in the street after the fine for the Green Pass. What still has to come in for this madness to end?

On Saturday 5th February, the employee of a kebab shop in Oderzo, Treviso , set himself on fire after having sprinkled his body with a bottle taken from a small bottle. The man, in his thirties, did not have a Green Pass. For this reason, the carabinieri, after an initial check yesterday evening, Friday 4 February, sanctioned him. Before making the crazy gesture, the 30-year-old allegedly told two clients that he would have little left to live for a sentence. Then he doused himself with petrol, set himself on fire and started running down the street, for about fifty meters, enveloped in flames. Passers-by and carabinieri extinguished the flames with fire extinguishers.

If the rulers had had any idea of ​​the level of exasperation to which they are leading part of the country they would not have continued in this drama of the Green pass and the compulsory vaccination that leads nowhere and which is above all, useless. Or, on the contrary, this is precisely the goal of the Speranza – Brunetta government: to push the Italians to exasperation until psychological annihilation or revolt and subsequent repression. There is no alternative explanation to the current Italian situation, unique in Europe or in the world. There is no medical reason, otherwise the United Kingdom, Denmark and Spain, which have practically nullified all restrictions, would be crazy countries. There are very few cases of compulsory vaccinations in the world, even fewer those that have passed the scrutiny of the courts of justice. Who knows if this time the mass media will hide the fact, as has already happened in the past.

Let's just hope there aren't any other similar cases. There is no need for martyrs, and a wise government should not create any. A government, we have said, wise.

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The Oderzo article: he sets himself on fire in the street after being fined for the Green Pass. What still has to come in for this madness to end? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/oderzo-si-da-fuoco-per-strada-dopo-la-multa-per-il-green-pass-cosa-deve-ancora-accedere-perche-termini-questa-follia/ on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 08:08:07 +0000.