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Economic Scenarios

One strategy among many for dealing with liquidity crises

Anna Lisa Maugeri to GROW AND INFORMING YOURSELF interviews FRANCESCO CAPPELLO , scholar of economic models, blogger, author of the book “Fictitious wealth artificial poverty”, to talk about the current economic crisis, financial transactions and proposals to tackle the problem of liquidity crisis.

We are talking about FINANCIAL BARTER 4.0 , a barter in a modern key that could give oxygen to many companies in difficulty, especially in a historical period in which the pre-existing economic crisis is added to the further destabilization caused by the lock-downs for the declared 2020 pandemic.

Sometimes it can be useful to look back to come up with innovative solutions and effective responses to current problems. An example of this is the European Payments Union , a clearing house that regulated import / export at European level from 1950 to 1958 which allowed the resumption of European trade after the war, or John Maynard Keynes's Bancor , a proposal which dates back to 1944, to which the monetary system we know was preferred, with the dollar as the main international currency. Bancor is still spoken of today as a proposal to be re-evaluated and implemented.

Let us therefore try to better understand what are the major economic and financial criticalities today and what could be the concrete answers to these problems.

From mutual credit networks to the clearing house mechanism, from complementary currency such as Sardex to Financial Barter 4.0, we deepen how and through which modern technologies and tools available today, this proposal is concretely feasible and effective to solve the problem of financial liquidity .

here is a compendium by the author: "Let's go back to bartering!"

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The article One strategy among many to deal with liquidity crises comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/una-strategia-tra-tante-per-affrontare-le-crisi-di-liquidita/ on Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:12:14 +0000.