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Poor people gassed just because they are around: the French police show the decadence of European society

Now I show you a video shot in France. Bourget police (Seine-Saint-Denis), while on patrol, saw a homeless elderly man walking quietly on the street, not bothering anyone. Instead of not taking care of him or, perhaps, asking him if he needed help, she stopped and, for no reason, sprayed him with the supplied canister of tear gas. The poor old man first tried to pass the effects then, evidently in respiratory crisis, fell to the ground

france video

The Paris police have now, rightly, opened an investigation. With the widespread diffusion of the video, this measure was not avoidable, but it would be interesting to see what measures will be taken against these agents, if any.

This act is very serious because it shows the level of decadence of Europe and its democracy. In the last 5 years, the police have been allowed to intervene often without criteria and fear of disciplinary actions: we recall what happened against the yellow vests in France or Trieste against dockers, or recently in the Netherlands against farmers, when it came to shooting at a sixteen year old boy who was not threatening anyone. Political and bureaucratic power increasingly needs to support itself with state violence, and at this point the police forces, especially those less trained, feel omnipotent and reach acts like those in the video. If political power is rotten and undemocratic, the police cannot be.

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The article Pooracci gassed only because they are around: the French police show the decline of European society comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/poveracci-gasati-solo-perche-sono-in-giro-la-polizia-francese-mostra-la-decadenza-della-societa-europea/ on Sun, 17 Jul 2022 14:25:55 +0000.