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Revealing video about Wuhan and bats. On Western National TV !!

Radio Savana has published an interesting short video of Sky News Asutralia. This TV locally is at the level of national TVs also in terms of seriousness, we could define it as a national TV of the Austral continent

This TV has released a video service with escaped images in Wuhan where we see the collection of bats, their transport to the laboratory, their capture, their feeding. A researcher is even seen smiling with a bat hanging from his hat. So there are tomes, genetically modified with human genes and used, according to the presenter, for the famous "Gain of function", that is, to improve the ability of the virus to infect humans.

In the end, the presenter rightly wonders: what would it have been if we had known these things in February 2020? Instead, the hypotheses that involved the Wuhan laboratory were considered false, and there was talk of imaginative hypotheses that involved the intervention of the Wuhan fresh market or mysterious people who ate bat soup.

Instead things were simple, and in front of everyone. Eventually an Occam's Razor was enough to identify the cause.

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The revealing video article about Wuhan and bats. On Western National TV !! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/video-rivelatore-su-wuhan-e-pipistrelli-su-una-tv-nazionale-occidentale/ on Sun, 13 Jun 2021 20:37:49 +0000.