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Economic Scenarios

What is the first party in Italy? Here is how you think

Yesterday we read the surreal poll by La Stampa, which gave the PD as the first party. In reality, the game worked because the Center-Right has two parties which, at this moment, are felt very similar in size, so the pollster has tried to achieve two objectives:

  • split the CDx,
  • to show that the PD, a party that lately hasn't gotten one right, is the reality leader, when in the end he doesn't even have 20% of the votes.

In the absence of real voting opportunities, the poll numbers can say a little what they want, and there is no doubt the attempt by mainstream communication to manipulate FdI on the one hand to make him become yet another goalkeeper, the "Goalkeeper" of the system. , at a time when the M5s can no longer hold this role, on the other hand the difficulty of being in a government that is not exactly what the Lega voters expected.

However, since in the end one poll is as good as another, we asked what readers and followers on social media of Scenari Economici thought. An absolutely insignificant sample, let's be realistic, but consistent (we are over 17 thousand members of the Telegram group and 18 thousand followers on Twitter). We therefore also wanted to test the differences in the feelings of the two social networks. The question was simple: Who do you think is the first party in Italy? The possible answers were 4: Lega, FdI, PD, and M5s .

The results this morning were as follows:


931 votes at the time of the strapping, which then became 937 as we write, without the percentages


1548 votes on Twitter. The poll will be votable for the rest of the morning.

To make a social analysis, the dichotomy between the two social networks is interesting: a certain difference in the base of those who follow us is evident. The higher number of votes on Twitter is certainly facilitated by easier sharing, or by the fact that the Telegram channel is always more passive than TW, despite the possibility of commenting on posts.

Surely, for those who follow us, the PD is NOT the first party. After all, does it make sense to talk about "First" when second and third parties are within the margin of error of the survey itself and belong to the same political area, indeed they are allies practically everywhere? The "Stampa" (my grandfather, good soul, called it "La Busarda" and was a reader of "La gazzetta del Popolo") made a political operation by passing it off as journalism. We, at least, have just done a little divertissement for our beloved followers.

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The article What is the first party in Italy? Here is how you think it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/qual-e-il-primo-partito-in-italia-ecco-cme-la-pensate-voi/ on Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:00:06 +0000.