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Russia bans its airspace on flights avoiding Belarus. The clash ignites

European Sky News correspondent Adam Parsons reports a worrying huge escalation between the EU and Russia following the hijacking of the Ryanair plane and the arrest of Roman Protasevich on Sunday. European carriers avoided Belarusian airspace after widespread condemnation of what was termed "state hijacking" after Belarusian MiG fighters escorted the direct flight to Lithuania to Minsk, where authorities grabbed the anti-activist. Lushenko and his girlfriend based on previous allegations.

UK Sky News is now reporting that Russia " is blocking EU flights from entering Russian airspace – IF those planes have circumnavigated Belarusian airspace along the way ."

Parson goes on to remark: "Bearing in mind the size of Russian airspace and the position of Belarus, this is a significant move."

This could mark the start of a "battle" over crucial Eastern Europe and Baltic airspace and flight routes as more countries also ban airspace for flights by Belavia (Belarusian state airline) in the wake of the controversy and Ryanair's fallout, which further put President Alexander Lukashenko back in the West's crosshairs and widens sanctions. Not only that: several EU countries are banning flights that do not avoid Belarus from entering their airspace

All of this is bound to be potentially devastating from an economic point of view for both sides, with the risk of blocking international flights to and from the East. On Tuesday, Belarusian airspace seemed almost empty at some point …

Via Flightradar24

In reality, at other times there were flights, but none of Western companies and almost all of them direct or coming from China. If overnight Ryanair flight from Ukraine to Vilnius avoids Belarus

There is the possibility of a dangerous escalation: if Russia continues with this policy of support, the next step may be the interruption of flights from the EU to Russia, also to exert more pressure on Belarus. However, most of the goods arriving in the West from China via Belarus. Furthermore, such a move would involve an immediate and direct confrontation with Russia. Can you see Germany waging a trade war on Russia, having practically achieved full dependence on Russian gas, offset by the sale of luxury cars? Let's be serious, when, like Berlin, total dependence on foreign countries is reached, politically nothing is counted afterwards.

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The article Russia bans its airspace on flights avoiding Belarus. The clash ignites comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-russia-vieta-il-proprio-spazio-aereo-ai-voli-che-evitano-la-bielorussia-lo-scontro-si-accende/ on Thu, 27 May 2021 16:49:14 +0000.