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Russia will “take countermeasures” in case of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. The path to war

USA and Russia flex their muscles and prepare for yet another war confrontation in Eastern Europe, with the usual, subtle, game of troop movements, promised and perhaps not given aid, or assistance to non-government forces.

In the Ukrainian quadrant, Reuters reports yesterday's Russian warning about NATO intrusion in Ukraine, as follows:

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday that the situation on the line of contact in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatist forces was quite frightening and that multiple "provocations" were taking place there.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart Andrii Taran on Thursday and "condemned the recent escalation of Russian aggressive and provocative actions in eastern Ukraine," the Pentagon said.

"Our rhetoric [about the Donbass] is absolutely constructive," Peskov said in response to questions from reporters. “We do not indulge in wishful thinking. Unfortunately, the realities along the line of comparison are rather frightening. There are provocations by the Ukrainian troops. They are not accidental. There have been many ”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the movements of Russian troops across the border, calling the situation "muscle flexing" which could lead to "provocations" for which the Ukrainian army is "ready" …

It is at least doubtful that the Ukrainian army can face the Russian one without a direct involvement of NATO and the USA in its rescue, this jeopardizes the peace in the whole of Europe which has never been guaranteed by the European Union, but much more significantly by the presence of the US in Western Europe. The expansion towards the East, however, jeopardizes a consolidated equilibrium.

The signs that are coming from eastern Ukraine are far from positive. the separatist government of Donesk declared the call of reservists from 1994 to 2003 into the army, to prepare for military confrontation. Mobilization is the classic sign of an upcoming war, even if we have forgotten the ones that occurred before the two world wars:

Meanwhile, the Russians have kept troops on the western border with Ukraine, even after the end of the exercises in the area.

So Ukraine is also moving military forces to the region:

Russia has stated that it is not in its interest to see the conflict go from "Cold" to "Hot", but the accumulation of military forces, the recall of reservists, the movement of troops create an explosive situation. Ukraine feels much stronger after Biden's statement in support of it, but words are one thing, direct and effective support another quite different. This confrontation is too closely reminiscent of that between Austria, Hungary and Serbia in 1914. Let us try to learn from the mistakes of the past.

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The article Russia "will take countermeasures" in case of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. The path to war comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-russia-prendera-contromisure-in-caso-di-invio-di-truppe-nato-in-ucraina-il-cammino-verso-la-guerra/ on Sat, 03 Apr 2021 08:03:48 +0000.