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Economic Scenarios

Salvini: Europe must be about growth, not austerity and cuts.

Salvini explains his concept of "Europe", that of growth and work, not that of austerity, cuts and the closure of hospitals.

It doesn't matter who got it wrong about vaccines, Brussels or Arcuri. Italians must be given vaccines, and the governors who seek vaccines for the world do well.

No more virologists on TV to be stars.

Well to the commitment not to put new taxes, especially no assets, yes to the Irper cut for businesses and families.

Resetting of the Italian procurement codes and taking the European legislation 8 which is much simpler, to restart all the construction sites. From the gutter of Genoa to the roads in the south and the bridge over the Strait of Messina made with steel from Taranto in four years.

New waste policy with an end to landfills.

We defend the Italian fishermen and farmers, who are to be protected. Europe asks us to defend the Italian borders, so yes to repatriation and expulsions.

Thanks to Inrierente for the technical support

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Salvini article : Europe must be about growth, not about austerity and cuts. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salvini-leuropa-deve-essere-della-crescita-non-dellausterita-e-dei-tagli/ on Thu, 18 Feb 2021 06:29:45 +0000.