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Self-defense manual for sovereignists: the preface by Claudio Messora

PREFACE by Claudio Messora

Mental manipulation and mass conditioning techniques are not concepts relegated to the dystopian novels of George Orwell or Aldous Huxley, or to the films of Paul Verhoeven. They have long been a real science (or "neuroscience"), in which private companies and politics invest rivers of money. The reason is obvious: when you check people's heads you can make them believe everything and the opposite of everything, instill the conviction of what is right and what is wrong. In other words, shaping the minds of voters so as to convince them that their political choices are always the expression of a "spontaneous" will.

In the genesis of the European Union, the techniques and strategies of mass mental manipulation were widely used to convince the peoples of the old continent that to bring together (not only economically, but also politically) the individual European states under a single flag it was good and right. So as to obtain a "pseudo-informed" consent in view of the final goal, fortunately not yet reached, of the "United States of Europe". We are referring to strategies to create out of nothing, and out of nothing, a phony multinational identity comparable to a big fake , concocted from the beginning and propagated with the worst intentions.

The volume you have in your hands talks about all this and officially kicks off the publishing adventure of ByoBlu. The author is the lawyer Francesco Carraro, a friend that the viewers of our channel have already learned about. Strengthened by his legal training and his academic studies in the field of communication and educational sciences, Francesco managed to summarize a lot of information in a simple, fun and popular text.

The self-defense manual for sovereignists represents a collection of the main psychological, strategic and rhetorical "tricks" put in place, over time, to make us "adhere" to the great illusion of the pro-European "Dream". The author drew inspiration from three illustrious traditions of strategic thought and the art of persuasion: the Eastern one, Chinese to be precise, of stratagems, the Western one of fallacies, dating back to Aristotle, and the late nineteenth-century one of neurolinguistic programming. Taking these three strands as a point of reference, the main manipulation techniques aimed at building the myth of the European Union, widely disseminated by the mainstream media, in recent decades, have been explored. Not only. Precisely because the tense is conceived as a breviary of "self-defense", Carraro also teaches us what are the indispensable countermeasures to be adopted in order not to be deceived by professional manipulators or, even, to turn against them the devices cleverly used against us.

More than a book, what you are going to read is a real survival text for those who don't want to be manipulated. A work that reveals where, how and when we are (and have been) conditioned, making us aware of certain "processes" of hidden persuasion in order to be able to unmask them instantly.

At the end of the book you will find an appendix in which Carraro summarized the true history of European unification by reporting the evidence of a "perfect crime": the one against Italian sovereignty and democracy. Furthermore, you will be able to draw on a large collection of cards, articles, graphics, accompanied by brief comments, able to dismantle the main hoaxes that the "touts" of the United States of Europe draw on most frequently. This will allow you to see how the manipulative techniques illustrated have found practical application in the economy, finance and politics, offering you a new key to interpreting multiple situations, episodes and initiatives, more or less recent, in our history.

Finally, Byoblu is proud to inaugurate its publishing activity by providing you with a tool of knowledge and prevention. A real cultural "weapon" to allow you to understand where they really want to lead us (without our knowledge) using the "educational" tools of the EU and the euro. And, perhaps, to allow you to avoid the definitive decline of the autonomy and sovereign independence of our beloved Republic.

Enjoy the reading.

Buy the book "Self-defense Manual for Sovereignists" by Francesco Carraro, ByoBlu Editore.

Francesco Carraro, www.francescocarraro.com , was born in Padua in 1970. Graduated in Law and in Educational Sciences, writer and lawyer, he owns a law firm. Communication expert, he teaches courses in negotiation strategies, time management, public speaking and personal development.

He writes for the newspaper LA VERITA ', is a columnist for the economics and politics site SCENARIECONOMICI.IT and editor of his own blog on ILFATTOQUOTIDIANO.IT. He is a television commentator of the news program of Canale Italia NEWS TODAY. He has published numerous non-fiction and fiction books.

In 2015 he published the book-interview, with the journalist Vito Monaco, Krisiko – are you a player or a pawn? The way out in the great game of the crisis (with a preface by Magdi Cristiano Allam). In 2017, the book Post scriptum – All the truth about post truth (with a preface by Diego Fusaro) was released. In 2018, with Chiarelettere editore, together with Massimo Quezel, he published the book HEALTH Spa – Health Sold Out to Insurance , a broad and documented investigation into the privatistic drift of the public health system and the decline of the once inviolable right to health .

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The article Self-defense manual for sovereignists: the preface by Claudio Messora comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/manuale-di-autodifesa-per-sovranisti-la-prefazione-di-claudio-messora/ on Mon, 14 Sep 2020 06:07:37 +0000.