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Sinister bales: the increase in electronic transactions does NOT reduce evasion, word of the European Commission

Every now and then some Commission document escapes political scrutiny and gives us a glimpse of the truth in the effectiveness, or rather ineffectiveness, of fiscal policies. As Italia Oggi reports, there is no link between the imposition of electronic invoicing and a reduction in tax evasion, nor does an increase in electronic transactions cause a decrease in the same phenomenon. This is what the European Commission put on paper in the "Vat gap in the EU" 2022, a report published annually that analyzes the trend of the tax gap of the value added tax, i.e. the estimate of VAT evasion, found in EU countries . The document indicates that the hypothesis subject to verification, which was later rejected, was that in the member states, with the value of electronic transactions on the increase, there would have been a correlated reduction in the propensity to evade value added tax.

The European Central Bank has analyzed the information provided by the various tax sources and has noted that there is a correlation between traceable payments and a reduction in evasion, but this is so low (0.52) as to be absolutely irrelevant and negligible, to such an extent point which is not a statistically significant data and could only be related to a survey error.

So those said by the left are just, simply, lies without any scientific basis. An obvious observation when it is clear that untraced, off-the-books payments are by their nature outside the system, so it is irrelevant whether regular transactions are electronic or cash. A trivial reasoning, but which escapes the great mass of left-wing newspapers who then even try to justify the tax avoidance of the large web groups. A world that literally goes backwards.

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The article Sinister bales: the increase in electronic transactions does NOT reduce evasion, word of the European Commission comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/balle-sinistre-laumento-delle-transazioni-elettroniche-non-riduce-levasione-parola-di-commissione-europea/ on Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:19:33 +0000.