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Smallpox vaccination may not cover “monkeypox”. Problems with HIV ?.

According to research reported by the Guardian , smallpox vaccination may not protect against monkeypox for life; Experts say HIV could play a role in eroding vaccine protection over time.

Vaccination with a vaccine initially developed to protect against smallpox, a disease generated by a vaccine similar to that of monkeypox, but more serious, is one of the measures taken to control infections.

However, while experts point out that it is important for people at risk of smallpox to accept the offer of vaccination, as it reduces the chances of symptomatic infection and serious illness, on the other hand the protection offered by the smallpox vaccine it can decrease over time, as revealed by a Spanish study. This research showed that out of 181 cases of vaccinated people 32 cases were not sufficiently protected from Monekypox infection.

Dr Oriol Mitja, co-author of the research, said that since most participants vaccinated against smallpox received the vaccine more than 45 years ago, it is reasonable to expect that their protection has decreased. "All I can say is that childhood vaccinations may not protect 100% for life," he said. In addition, many people who claimed to be vaccinated but then fell ill had no direct proof of vaccination, only the memory of their parents, so there may be some errors in judgment. In addition, the smallpox virus is similar, but not identical to, that of monkeypox, so vaccination may not cover 100%.

Another hypothesis then concerns acquired immunodeficiency, HIV. 40% of cases involved HIV positive people, a figure that rises to 60% among people vaccinated against smallpox as children, so it is likely that this immune system disease also has a function in reducing coverage from a vaccine for smallpox maybe done years ago. It seems possible that the efficacy of anthrax decays more rapidly in people with HIV.

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The Smallpox Vaccination article may not cover “Monkeypox”. Problems with HIV ?. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-vaccinazione-per-il-vaiolo-potrebbe-non-coprire-il-vaiolo-delle-scimmie-problemi-con-lo-hiv/ on Fri, 19 Aug 2022 09:00:31 +0000.