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Tachipirina and watchful waiting: of death

In the early 1990s, an inspired Luca Carboni sang that it takes a beastly physique to withstand the shocks of life. Today, to paraphrase it, we could add that it takes a beastly physique to resist the lure of conspiracy. Certainly, much more beastly than what is necessary to withstand the dangers of the virus. This may be why we sometimes sin, and give in to temptation.

For example, in the face of the sentence just issued by the Lazio TAR with which a precautionary request from the Covid-19 Home Care Committee proposed by a team of doctors was accepted. Who summoned none other than the Ministry of Health and AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency, to court. And do you know why? To challenge a note from the AIFA dated 9 December last with which the following therapy was prescribed for Covid patients: tachipirina and watchful waiting. That is the opposite of what any medically informed doctor, in science and conscience, should do in front of a patient infected with the disease.

As specified by Dr. Andrea Stramezzi, in a beautiful interview by Fabio Dragoni on La Verità: “The only winning strategy is the immediate treatment of symptoms on the first day: anti-inflammatories, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and vitamin D to control the infection. Cortisone to prevent cytokine storm. Subcutaneous heparin to combat disseminated thromboembolism ". A lot of difficult words, but repeated by a lot of field doctors for a long time. To the point of being memorized even by the man on the street. In short, there is life beyond the vaccine. There is life in therapy.

Yet, twelve months after the outbreak of the so-called pandemic, the highest bodies theoretically vigilant on our health still recommend "tachipirina and watchful waiting". Watchful waiting for what? An indispensable deterioration to send you to the ICU, perhaps? Watchful waiting for death, perhaps? It is all very strange as long as one moves on the terrain of rational explanations. Because there are no rational explanations. It is not acceptable that, after a year, the gentlemen have not yet managed to disclose a registered and effective therapy against the virus. Even if the therapy exists and is known by all.

But this strangeness adds to other painful mysteries of this via crucis. For example, the famous study published by the prestigious scientific journal Lancet that, last spring, sputtered hydroxychloroquine. Then the paper was disgraced in turn, but in the meantime the use of that (very useful) drug was banned by many states due to its "unproven" effectiveness and its "proven" danger. Or do we want to talk about the substantial ban on autopsies on the corpses of the deceased? The first, if not the only, useful thing to do not only in the name of science, but of the most elementary common sense, is not recommended.

Sometimes a suspicion arises: that a "right" adviser placed in the key positions of the assembly line (of command) of the global "prevention" is enough to jam, or even hack, the antiviral machine. And that there are those who do industry not to eradicate Covid, but to eradicate us. Or, at least, to eradicate the (too free) traditional models of social coexistence and establish new ones.

It is bad to think so, even if it would comfort us on the point William of Ockam. In fact, Doctor Invincibilis suggested opting – among the possible solutions to a problem – for the simpler one. But then Luca Carboni comes to us and we go back to "normal": the official version is all right, all logical, all credible. But it really takes a beastly physique to resist the temptations of conspiracy.

Francesco Carraro


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The article Tachipirina and watchful waiting: of death comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tachipirina-e-vigile-attesa-della-morte/ on Sun, 07 Mar 2021 08:57:21 +0000.