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Economic Scenarios

That’s enough: being young today is a disaster, because of the young (and the parents)

The tragedy of CasalPalocco in Rome has, fortunately, ignited a great controversy on the relationship between "gggiovani", social media, money and education, or rather, total lack of education.

The “C>collective” The Borderline, ie four kids who made money with solitary neuron challenges, have made it big. While trying to drive for 50 hours without letting go of the accelerator, a powerful Lamborghini Urus collided with a small smart, killing a 5-year-old boy and injuring his sister and mother. All then continuing to resume, so, for them, nothing had happened.

I don't want to do so many jokes and sermons. So it will be synthetic and by points:

  1. It wasn't the first time that this "Collective of influencers" made a challenge that was not only stupid, but put the lives of others at risk. A year ago they had done a similar challenge , but without Lamborghini. This challenge, prior to last week, had been viewed hundreds of thousands of times. Faced with an evident dangerous behavior and in violation of the highway code, is it possible that no one has warned the police? That there hasn't been a traffic policeman who has seen this challenge? That no one has felt the need not to report them, but to call them to the barracks and admonish them? Italy is the country where one goes from not giving a damn to going to jail, for the same behavior. That's no good.
  2. Irresponsible behavior has always been there, but rewarding them with money just because they are stupid enough to be followed is a bit much. We are the country where prostitution is illegal, but not where making an example of one's own culture is not. You can't stop a person from being an idiot, but rewarding him for that goes against society's rules of self-preservation. So a nice rule that prohibits the monetization of social content, of any kind, without any cultural content, would be necessary. We will have to discuss what culture is or not, but that would already be a big step forward.
  3. Being young is just being old without the benefits that come with experience. By now everything is forgiven for young people, for what? To see people, we would say citizens, who pride themselves on single neuron behavior celebrate. I am not speaking only of the four of Rome, but also of those who disfigure the works of art for the "Climate Struggle"; as happened recently in Sweden.

Being young is not a mitigating factor, the discipline that is required of adults and the elderly must be applied, with greater severity, even to those who are building their own experiences, precisely so that they build them better and have fewer problems in the future.

Instead, young people are forgiven everything, because they are young. Stop it! We've all been young, we've all done stupid things, but at least we didn't brag about it!!

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The article Enough is enough: being young today is a disaster, because of young people (and parents) comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/adesso-basta-essere-giovani-oggi-e-un-disastro-per-colpa-dei-giovani-e-dei-genitori/ on Sun, 18 Jun 2023 20:44:48 +0000.