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Economic Scenarios

The BREXIT agreement explained easy. What changes for British and EU citizens from January 1st

Here is a brief summary of the contents of the Brexit agreement that has been reached between the Union and the United Kingdom, and which will have to go through, as we said previously, through a long list of parliamentary approvals. First of all, just to clarify things, Manfred Weber, thanking Michel Barnier and accusing the UK of "Obstructionism", manages to concentrate two falsehoods in one sentence: the deal was closed by Von Der Leyen on a mandate from Merkel, and Johnson only did his job defending the interests of his country. It cannot be expected that they are all sold in Brussels like Italian politicians.

First of all the fishing rights: they are now all in the hands of the United Kingdom, which however agrees on a transition period of 5 years during which London claims only 35% of the quotas currently used by the countries of the Union. A logical solution, because British fishermen will take some time to structure themselves in order to use fishing rights properly.

As regards the rights of British citizens as of January 1st, the situation is as follows:

So on the goods there is the free circulation of goods, but otherwise there will be specific conditions. Obviously it no longer participates in European programs, but we remember that the SURE is secret, and that NEXT Gen Eu costs us more than it makes, as we have already seen in a previous article. Eventually the UK will have more money for its development programs, without going through Brussels.

So how do you get out of the EU with an agreement with Brussels? An ultimatum must be placed and not let go. Simple….

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The article The BREXIT agreement explained easy. What changes for British and EU citizens from January 1st comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/laccordo-brexit-spiegato-facile-cosa-cambia-per-i-cittadini-britannici-e-ddellunione-dal-primo-gennaio/ on Fri, 25 Dec 2020 07:00:35 +0000.