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THE CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTER ARRIVES: now we will see Di Maio “Servitor of two masters”

Di Maio's Italy was the only Western country to join the Chinese "Belt and Road" program, that is to say the infrastructure network coordinated and financed by Beijing which should connect the West and the East and allow the expansion of the Communist Party. in developing and advanced countries. it is no coincidence that this project involves those that are now considered the satellites of Beijing in half the world, such as, for example, Ethiopia in Africa, while other nations, after having tasted the pleasure of money, have bitterly regretted it , like Sri Lanka.

Italy was the only western industrialized country to join this initiative which, let's face it, is an instrument of Chinese expansionism in the West, and is not free at all. Now the meeting between Wang Yi, the foreign minister of Beijing and Di Maio, will highlight all the contradictions of our foreign policy: in fact, at least in theory, we are still in NATO and in the Western bloc, even if Di Maio does the smart with Erdogan, because it will be very interesting to see how Di Maio will, at the same time, accept the presence of Huawei in the Italian telecommunications system and in the development of 5G and face the American and NATO pressures, in order to enter the Clean Network : The Clean Network program represents the US administration's global approach to safeguarding cyber assets around the world, including citizen privacy and corporate sensitive information, from aggressive Chinese Communist Party intrusions. Clean Network addresses the long-term threat to data privacy, security, human rights and principle-based collaboration represented in the world free from authoritarian and malicious actors. Some European countries, such as Poland, have already expressed their willingness to join this network which aims to guide the creation of future IT networks, including 5G. At the same time, the Chinese company Huawei has invested heavily in Italy with a state-of-the-art branch in Milan, a research center and a turnover of 1.5 billion in our country. Not to mention the investments in the ports of Voltri, Taranto and Trieste.

In this mess of international relations Di Maio is a bit of a puppet tossed here and there and who, in the end, will pay the bill for everyone: the US and the UK will ask for the bill for his pro-Chinese position, while Libya for his position. succubus to Turkey can give advantages in the short term, but it will appear in all its contradictions as soon as the front gets underway or Serraj is sent on permanent vacation. Probably getting them to pay the bill would be the Piddino side of the government: in the end, what better way to solve the five-star issue than publicly humiliating their boss?

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The article ARRIVES THE CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTER: now we will see Di Maio “Servitor di due padroni” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/arriva-il-ministro-degli-esteri-cinese-adesso-vedremo-di-maio-servitor-di-due-padroni/ on Sun, 23 Aug 2020 10:46:26 +0000.