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From 6 to 18 can we stay in gatherings without a mask?

From 6 to 18 can we stay in gatherings without a mask?

What Maria Rita Gismondo, director of clinical microbiology and virology of the Sacco di Milano wrote, on the order of Minister Speranza which provides for the obligation to wear masks from 6 to 6

“We want to talk about the obligation to wear masks from 6 to 6? I tried to find a justification: mission impossible. Do we have a beach virus, a restaurant virus, an airplane virus, now also a night virus? The provision is not only absurd, it is also misleading. From 6 in the morning to 18 can we safely stay in gatherings without a mask? ".

This is what Maria Rita Gismondo , director of clinical microbiology and virology of the Sacco di Milano wrote in recent days, in her column in the Fatto Quotidiano commenting on the ordinance of the Ministry of Health.

The provision of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in force since 17 August , provides among other things: suspension of dance activities, both outdoors and indoors, which take place in discos and in any other space open to the public; Obligation to wear a mask even outdoors from 6 to 6 in places where there is a risk of crowding.

“I wonder if those who advised Minister Speranza to introduce this measure took into consideration a series of non-negligible factors. I do not intend to talk about the widely debated economic aspect, but I invite you to focus your attention on the preventive-sanitary purpose of the provision ", wrote Gismondo:" I believe that, if we do not proceed with empowerment and education, especially for young people, fail inexorably. Made the law, found the deception. Such a drastic measure, which affects them directly, risks stimulating a defiant reaction. The kids continue to get together privately (it's legal), creating much more important gatherings than those in discos, where, however, there is some control. There are important data on the consequences of prohibitive interventions and on the relationship of young people with prohibitions. Just look at cigarettes. Boys who smoke have doubled in the last thirty years, during which the bans have intensified. Alcohol is another example. In an emergency situation, renouncing to empower young people is an opportunity lost forever ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/dalle-6-alle-18-possiamo-stare-in-assembramenti-senza-mascherina/ on Mon, 24 Aug 2020 04:55:29 +0000.