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The commercial missile “Astra” fails to launch and falls to earth

Space carrier startup Astra Space si Alameda gave the world a fireworks display from a remote part of Alaska last Saturday night when the company's 12-meter-tall prototype rocket failed to reach orbit during its first. test launch.

The launch, which took place at the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Kodiak, Alaska, began at 19:19 local time. The orbital attempt proved a failure, as the rocket returned to the ground after its engines were deactivated remotely by a security intervention by the control team, which was losing control of the missile. In the next two videos you can sell the launch and its failure.

already at the end of the first video you could see that something was wrong, m In the second video you can see the accident more clearly. At one point the engines are silent, showing that something is wrong …

Failure is the road to success and Elon Musk's first missiles proved unreliable, but now the study makes Space X the supplier of NASA for the space station. Astra wants to enter the international carrier market with a sort of Low Cost level, because it wants to create a reusable missile that has a cost per launch of one million dollars, a much lower value than its direct competitors.

It will get better next time.

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The article The commercial missile "Astra" fails to launch and falls to earth comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-missile-commerciale-astra-fallisce-il-lancio-e-cade-sulla/ on Sun, 13 Sep 2020 20:29:45 +0000.