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The election of the President of the Senate: we must fight the battles that we know are winning

Yesterday we saw the first steps of the new legislature with the election of the President of the Senate. First of all, congratulations to Senator Ignazio La Russa who, after a long career, reaches a deserved prestigious position, always remaining faithful to himself and his ideals. He has proven himself in the past as Vice President and there is no doubt that he will do the same at the top. But yesterday also saw the exit from the classroom of a member of the Center-right, Forza Italia, for which only Berlusconi and Casellati, former president of the Senate, were present in the classroom to vote.

A useless tug-of-war that saw FI lose the challenge: the president still found his majority, thanks to the predictable joke of Action-Renziani and the senators of the Autonomie group, as well as, perhaps, to some other left-wing sniper and pentastellato. Forza Italia has chosen a suicidal move: it wanted to prove that it was necessary for the center-right majority, to discover that it is not and that, under certain conditions, it can even be done without it.

Sun Tzu wrote, many centuries ago, that victorious warriors first win and then go to war, while the defeated warriors first go to war and then try to win. Forza Italia made the choice to go to war in a battlefield that it did not know and the results have been seen: they returned home with the odds in the bag. A battle, among other things, incomprehensible outside the chambers of the Chamber and Senate, because it was done only to protect the hunger for power of some internal leader whose claims are, evidently, much higher than both his own abilities and popularity among the voters. The Meloni government was born in a difficult moment, it will have to make complex and unpopular choices, it cannot afford to even fill itself with unpopular, criticized characters, just to satisfy the ego of this or that leader-ino.

Renzi and Calenda were only waiting for an opportunity to split the center-right and Forza Italia offered it to them, right on the first day of the Senate's opening. Furthermore, the left has proved less solid than previously thought, and willing to give a few votes in favor of a candidate who, in the past, had given good evidence in directing the proceedings of the classroom. At the same time someone in Forza Italia has made a sensational mistake that we hope will be episodic.At the same time it will be good for Berlusconi to give a regulation to his party if he does not want to risk a Viet-Nam parliamentary in the first center-right government, after more than a decade of monopoly of power of the left.

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The article The election of the President of the Senate: we must fight the battles that we know are winning comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lelezione-del-presidente-del-senato-bisogna-combattere-le-battaglie-che-si-sa-sono-vincenti/ on Fri, 14 Oct 2022 07:00:15 +0000.