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THE LISTS OF THOSE WHO VOTED YES PER MONTH IN THE ROOM, Even those of those who voted no, abstained and absent …

Thanks to Claudio Borghi, here are the COMPLETE LISTS, unfortunately only an image (for now, but we will calmly convert …) of those who voted YES to the CAMER l MES. – After all it is right that you know the name of those who have given up your future and your savings which will jump on a date between 2022 and 2023. Alternatively these are the names of the deputies who have given away your wages or your jobs, in the private and public sectors.

The list shows the group they belong to.

First page:

Notice how the M5s voted (almost) compact for the Si

Second page of the YES:

here are the names. Save the article, or look for the date of December 9, 2020, when the time comes.

Let's start with the votes NO First sheet. Note the YES vote of D'Uva, who was a stenuous opponent, m la cadrega beats everything.

second sheet, and note Sibilia, a "Hard and Pure"

Mark, in a positive sense, the names of Bernardini, Cabras, Colletti, Corda, Costanzo, De Girolamo, Forciniti, Giuliodori, Lapia, Maniero, Sapia, Spessotto and Vallascas. Members of the M5s voted NO: they are important because when there is a process for default and there will be, because the time is uncertain, not the fact, they will be living proof that you could vote no.

So the abstentions:

Strange Sgarbi. Boh….

Those who "were on a mission", that is, they ambushed not to vote….

Di Maio and Bonafede have ambushed. Not even the courage to put your face in this filth.

Save the lists, one day, in 18 months, they will be useful.

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The article THE LISTS OF THOSE WHO VOTED YES PER MONTH IN THE ROOM, Even those of those who voted no, abstained and absent… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/le-liste-di-chi-ha-votato-si-al-mes-alla-camera-anche-quelle-di-chi-ha-votato-no-astenuti-ed-assenti/ on Wed, 09 Dec 2020 19:08:44 +0000.