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Economic Scenarios

The new government has a million fines to cancel, and a commission of inquiry to start

Newspapers play with total ministers, a passion that interests a few thousand Italians, especially ministerial employees, but which leaves 99% of Italian citizens cold, and hopefully not cold. Yet, right from the start, he will have to make choices that will mark his capacity for moral detachment from previous governments.

First of all we need to cancel the last, shameful, act of the "Speranza government": the fines for the unvaccinated. The quasi-ex-minister has sent a million names of over fifty-year-olds who have not been vaccinated, or who are exempt and are victims of bureaucracy, and who should receive the ridiculous, useless and oppressive fine of 100 euros. This is not a question of the amount, the collection of which probably does not cover the costs of the entire operation, but of the need to restore a relationship of trust among citizens based on respect for their personal rights by the state. The body of citizens is theirs and the State, except for a very few, ascertained and judicially protected cases, does not have the right to take possession of them. The new government breaks with the past and confirms this principle by canceling the absurd and unjust tax.

So there is a need to clarify everything that happened in the management of the Covid emergency, on its management, on the correctness of the limits placed on the personal freedoms of citizens, on how the emergency purchases were made and on the management of healthcare. Several politicians have already talked about it, including Gardini who openly spoke of a parliamentary commission on epidemic management, and it is a necessary step to understand what could be done better, what damage needs to be repaired and what responsibilities need to be identified. . Because we cannot risk making the same mistakes twice.

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The article The new government has a million fines to cancel, and a commission of inquiry to start comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-nuovo-governo-ha-un-milione-di-multe-da-cancellare-e-una-commissione-dinchiesta-da-far-partire/ on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 08:00:34 +0000.