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US election polls: bad news for Biden

Pre-midterm polls are as hot as inflation and bad news for Democrats. The latest Harvard / Harris poll shows Trump would win against Biden if the 2024 election were held today, with inflation being the top concern of Americans and most people (62%) blame the current administration for the highs energy prices.

Also on Monday, the New York Times / Siena College poll confirmed a strong push in favor of Republicans. Democrats are losing independent voters, especially women, who went from favoring Democrats by 14 points to supporting Republicans by 18 points. Let's see what the NYT says:

The poll shows that 49% of likely voters said they want to vote for a Republican to represent them in Congress on November 8, compared with 45% who intend to vote for a Democrat. The result represents an improvement for Republicans from September, when Democrats had a one point lead among likely voters in the latest Times / Siena poll .

What are the most important problems for Americans? Not the climate. Not Trump's "coup". Non Covid (<.5%) The economy and inflation (44% together against 36% in July). This is a concern common to all age groups, while those who think Trump is the problem are… the elderly

Only 2% of likely voters believe Ukraine is the most important problem facing the US today.

So in the end, voters are NOT interested in virtually any of Biden's Democrat workhorses. Any wrong move now will also give the majority in the Senate to the Republicans and will lead to a political upheaval that is already being felt covering half the world starting from Italy.

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The article US election polls: bad news for Biden comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sondaggi-elettorali-usa-pessime-notizie-per-biden/ on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:00:01 +0000.