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The power of digitization: how to improve the management of corporate payments

In recent years, technological progress has opened up new possibilities for improving the management of business payments.

Thanks to digitization , the traditional approach to managing receipts and payments has been revolutionized, allowing for a greater level of efficiency and control.

This is also due to the introduction of payment management software , such as Danea Easyfatt , specifically designed to automate manual processes, minimizing errors and saving precious time.

In addition, these tools allow you to record and track transactions accurately and in real time, providing an immediate overview of the financial health of the company so you have full control of both incoming and outgoing movements.

What is payment management

As we have mentioned, payment management is an essential element for the financial success of any business. It is a complex and fundamental process involving the recording, maintenance and reporting of transactions.

Accounting managers are responsible for analyzing, summarizing and recording the company's financial information in order to provide a clear and accurate picture to executives.

Among the key activities included in this process we find the control of the costs incurred , the monitoring of tax and bank deadlines, the control of customer payments, the recovery of unpaid invoices and the drafting of detailed reports.

Precise payment management therefore allows for a clear understanding of the financial position of the company, so as to allow management to make informed decisions on spending and resource allocation.

Among the other advantages of good payment management there are also:

  • good management of difficulties and delays in paying invoices;
  • improving customer relations , immediately identifying the most reliable;
  • timely settlement of invoices, consolidating commercial relationships ;
  • a positive reputation within the market and in the eyes of the banks.

How digital can help manage payments

Payment management is certainly a crucial aspect for the financial health of companies and if performed incorrectly or if it presents errors, it can also lead to serious consequences.

Carrying it out by hand, however, causes precisely those conditions in which it is easier to make mistakes , as well as being longer, more complex and needing to invest much more resources.

To simplify and optimize this process, fortunately there are digital solutions that can help automate it and therefore make it simpler, safer and less expensive.

Software is the first company allies in this area, able to eliminate a lot of manual work and facilitate some procedures. Furthermore, the most advanced ones can offer numerous advantages and extra options , including:

  • Simplified journal entry , so as to keep all the company's financial movements under control in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Efficient home banking , by creating payment files for Riba, SDD or electronic transfers.
  • Autofill , using information from issued and posted invoices, but without eliminating the possibility of manual entry, for a streamlined yet flexible process.
  • Schedule , to keep track of payments to be made and collected. Many software also allow the sending of reminders to customers via email or other communication channels.
  • Management of advances and customized installments on individual invoices issued.
  • Integration with Paypal , to make payment even easier for customers.

The adoption of digital tools, therefore, allows greater flexibility and autonomy . Scheduled payments, for example, can also be made outside bank hours, offering a level of convenience and practicality that favors the management of business flows.

In this way there will be no more delays and it will be possible to keep track of every small discrepancy in an impeccable manner , so as to have payments or receipts fully under control, free from the risk of errors and investing many fewer resources than in manual management.

In conclusion

Digitization has revolutionized business payment management, delivering efficiency and control. This mainly takes place thanks to the use of specific software , which has simplified and automated the processes, reducing errors and saving time.

Among what a software can allow you to do, in fact, we find the simplification of the first note, the efficiency of home banking, the automatic compilation of information, the management of payment schedules, advance payments, customized installments and integration with Paypal.

The adoption of digital solutions therefore optimizes these processes, avoiding payment delays, reducing risks and improving the allocation of resources.

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The article The power of digitalisation: how to improve the management of company payments comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-potere-della-digitalizzazione-come-migliorare-la-gestione-dei-pagamenti-aziendali/ on Thu, 18 May 2023 08:32:35 +0000.