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Economic Scenarios

The US is completely emerging from the crisis, Europe is not. Wrong politicians and policies bring us back to the bottom

Between vaccinations and stimuli, the US will recover very soon from the crisis, while Europe, the great Europe of the Commission and of the "We are all together because we are mass" will come out completely defeated not only by a great power, but even by countries that are few more than crumbs on the world background.

This future is not imaginative, but unfortunately it is already in fact. As per Unicredit research (highlighted by Liturri), the USA are rapidly closing the gap with pre-covid growth and are resuming a development path already marked:

The European Union is struggling in difficulty, so much so that even Japan, hit by enormous demographic problems and a development drugged by almost 20 years of expansionary monetary policy, is almost better than us.

The fact is, papal papal, that the US is making the most of expansive TAX policies, even if they risk creating a dangerous class of long-term unemployed. In Europe this type of policy fails. Fiscal policy remains timid and perpetually overdue. Even SuperMario has not yet managed to unlock the refunds for the closed categories and the redundancy fund continues to arrive with a criminal delay that would deserve severe punishments for those responsible for the mess. because someone will have the rules that block and slow down these aids well written.

If we then turn to the health side, the data indicate a resounding defeat for the Union. The indication that, except for a few cases, "Small is beautiful", that is the exact opposite of what is being proclaimed to the four winds in the drug addicted media. It is stated that the intervention of the Commission would have avoided "Competition", but a bit more market would have encouraged greater production, faster, more certified and made purchases more flexible and direct. The Commission Cartel, like all these forced arrangements, turned out to be a glaring mistake that we are paying for in terms of vaccination rates. Let's see, from the New York Times, the table of the countries with the highest rate of vaccinations.

Apart from the US, which remains an industrial power that knows how to direct its efforts, none of the other countries on the list exceed 20 million inhabitants. Its EU countries present are either crafty dwarves (Malta, which got 151% more vaccines) or have deliberately taken a different path than the EU, rebelling (Hungary, which bought Russian Sputnik and revolted market). The small states have been much more efficient, and we are still talking about delegating powers to the Commission. A sensational mistake, carried out in the smoke spread by the media.

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The article The US is completely emerging from the crisis, Europe is not. Politicians and wrong policies bring us back to the bottom comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gli-usa-stanno-usccendo-completamente-dalla-crisi-leuropa-no-politici-e-politiche-sbagliate-ci-riportano-a-fondo/ on Wed, 17 Mar 2021 10:00:07 +0000.