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There is an unsuspected religious awakening among young Americans

The religious history of recent decades has seen a progressive disaffection and secularization of young people. However, since the Covid economy, there has been a turnaround, with a resurgence of interest in supernatural cults in the newer demographics.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal , a new study commissioned by the Springtide Research Institute found that about a third of 18- to 25-year-olds believe in a higher power, up from a quarter in 2021. The findings are based on poll data of December. Church leaders and young adults attribute increased faith to trust in a higher power during the Covid crisis: For many young people, the pandemic has been the first crisis they have faced. It has affected everyone to some degree, from the loss of family and friends to the uncertainty of work and daily life. In many ways, it has aged American youth, who now turn to the same comfort that previous generations did during tragedies for healing and solace. –WSJ

Reverend Darryl Roberts, pastor of Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington, said the pandemic, job losses, inflation and growing economic worries have left many young people feeling vulnerable and turning to God for protection . “ We are seeing an openness to transcendence among young people that hasn't been seen in a while ,” said Abigail Visco Rusert, associate dean of Princeton Theological Seminary and ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.

In Los Angeles, Rabbi Nicole Guzik said more young adults are attending synagogue on Friday nights than ever before. She said: " I think this demographic needs to connect socially and spiritually ." For many young people, the pandemic was the first crisis they faced while working and without parental support. Believing in God " gives you a reason to live and a little hope ," said Becca Bell, an 18-year-old college student from Peosta, Iowa.

Christian Camacho, 24, grew up in a conservative Catholic family and says he had doubts about God when his parents were divorcing and when he was dealing with depression. “How can God allow such a thing to happen?” he asked. Christian Camacho, 24 and about to join a Christian fraternity, believes in God but has had doubts over the years. Over the years, his image and perception of God changed from the punishing and judgmental God of his childhood to a more accepting God. He thinks this belief is common to his generation, which does not associate God with a specific organized religion. “Many people are alienated from institutions,” says Mr. Camacho, who lives in Minneapolis and is studying to enter a religious order.

So it is possible that religious disaffection has reached its peak, or that Covid, the economic crisis and the imminent war are imposing some necessary fear of God on those who believed, up until yesterday, to be on the verge of omnipotence. This research is aimed at the multi-religious USA, it would be interesting to know if this phenomenon is also repeated in Italy, a former Catholic country.

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The article There is an unsuspected religious awakening among young Americans comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ce-un-insospettabile-risveglio-religioso-fra-i-giovani-americani/ on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 15:56:10 +0000.