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Coronavirus, all institutional alarms in Germany

Coronavirus, all institutional alarms in Germany

Record of infections in Germany in the last 24 hours. The alarm from the Robert Koch Institutsu Covid: "The situation is very serious". Merkel: "Stay at home as much as possible, avoid unnecessary trips and meet fewer people, both outside and at home"

Record number of Covid infections and more and more cases of which it is not possible to understand the origin. The situation in Germany is "very serious", warned the president of the Robert Koch Institut, Lothar Wieler.

The infected patients are getting younger and the courses are getting milder. All the details.


Let's start with the numbers. Germany has recorded 11,282 cases in the last 24 hours. The previous record of infections, since the beginning of the pandemic , was reached on Saturday with 7,830 new infections.

943 patients in intensive care.


“Each of us can do a lot. This is why I make an appeal to you: stay home as much as possible, avoid unnecessary trips and meet fewer people, both outside and at home ”. These were the words of Angela Merkel, who through a video message two days ago addressed German citizens directly to urge them to respect anti-Covid regulations and to reduce interpersonal contacts.


Health Minister Jans Spahn (40, CDU) was also among those infected with Covid. The minister immediately placed himself in domestic isolation , while there is growing concern that other employees of the health cabinet have also contracted the infection (at the moment, however, there are no new infections).


The numbers worry Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institut, who said at a press conference : "The situation is very serious".

The number of cases has increased since the beginning of September "faster and faster". It is a "drastic and very dynamic event", Wieler said, adding: "we do not know how the virus will develop and it could lead to an uncontrolled explosion".

“We are not helpless though. We have the possibility to slow down its diffusion, respecting all the rules in a coherent way ”, said the president of the Robert Koch Institut.


The disease seems to affect young people the most, but infections among patients over 60 are also increasing.

"Patients are younger and the courses are milder, but the number of infected people over 60 is also increasing", Wieler said, specifying that "most infections are detected in private contexts: at family celebrations, weddings, youth parties ".


If it is true that Germany is surprised by the speed of contagion, it is also true that Covid seems less aggressive than last spring: "the deaths in the spring were higher than now," said the head of the Rki.


Wieler said that despite the course of the pandemic, there is no need to "change strategy" and that we still need to focus on containment, protection and mitigation.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/allarmi-covid-germania/ on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 13:40:20 +0000.