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Economic Scenarios

Trump grants Renzi pardon … but that’s not what you think

Last drains of the Trump presidency, with a rather well done and conciliatory farewell speech, where it is stated, on the one hand, that the "MAGA" movement is only the beginning, on the other hand, he hopes Biden will be able to keep America “Safe and Prosperous”, as under his presidency. Trump is scut for the last time from the White House, but only after signing the latest wave of decrees of Grace and Conversion of the sentence.

The last act was the granting of pardon to 73 characters and the conversion of the sentence to another 70. Unfortunately, among the pardoned there is no Julian Assage, but there is Steve Bannon , who therefore leaves the scene of the investigation that involved for a strange initiative "Let's build the wall". He is also pardoned for James Broidy , a major fundraiser for the Democrats.

Commutation of sentence for Sholam Weiss, who had been sentenced to the longest sentence for a white-collar worker charged with fraud, 835 years in prison. Thanks also to Rick Renzi , a former lawmaker from Arizona accused of corruption, money laundering and other charges, who sacrificed his private insurance to finance Trump. A viem Sella , an Israeli spy captured in the US, was also pardoned at the request of Prime Minister Netanyau.

However, Trump was quite limited in the number of pardons and conversion measures granted, as can be seen from the following graph from the 1930s:

In the nineteenth century Thomas Jefferson came to grant many graces to people accused of insurrection and Gerald Ford granted the grace to Richard Nixon, although he was not officially under accusation. In general, all the presidents have also pardoned their own friends, or those of the party, who had made big messes.

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The Trump article grants Renzi a pardon… but that's not what you think it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-concede-la-grazia-a-renzi-ma-non-e-quello-che-pensate/ on Wed, 20 Jan 2021 16:15:59 +0000.