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Economic Scenarios

Ukraine and Gas crisis: today a moderate price increase equal to 58%

Early this morning, as soon as the news of the first Russian attacks on Ukraine arrived, there had already been adjustments to the price of gas on the Dutch market (the European reference one). During the day, the news, not positive, gave a further push to the upside, closing the value of gas with delivery in March at the price of 134.18, not far from the highs of November. An extraordinary 58% increase compared to yesterday.

The fact that there has been a jump of this kind means that it is almost assumed that there will be an interruption in supplies, or that, at the very least, this is considered a very high possibility. Much will depend on what Biden says tonight, for now he has said trivialities, and on what above all the NATO council meeting pursuant to Article 4 will decide.

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The article Crisis Ukraine and Gas: today a moderate price increase equal to 58% comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/crisi-ucraina-e-gas-oggi-un-moderato-incremento-del-prezzo-pari-al-58/ on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:02:06 +0000.