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Economic Scenarios

Unconscious children

I remember that well before 1993 several people, quietly, exposed the risk of entering the EU. Few frightened economists, some far-sighted politicians, some ordinary citizens more attentive and alert than the mass. Not me, in the years when we talked about the EU I had a positive thought about the future of the United Europe. A thought that stemmed from the fact that I imagined an institutional structure similar to the Italian one, where all European peoples in full Popular Sovereignty elected their representatives to manage a continent of diversified ideas, but which expressed itself in social principles. I imagined that the EU had the idea expressed by art. 41 of our Constitution, that the people were primary in their choices and that precisely in the protection of Article 11 of our Constitutional Charter each country, and therefore the citizens of the same, were equal.

I imagined, but the imagination did not last long, the reality presented itself to my readings very quickly and discovered the truth, the EU became the enemy for myself.

Today, under the umpteenth crisis, the primary objective of who really controls the EU and the whole world is heavily feared, the total change of the paradigm so strongly supported by the Italian Constitutional Charter, those social and certainly not liberal paradigms will be swept away . the financial market will dominate.

It took almost three decades to get a large slice of Italians to understand that their world of work and social status is over. Today many go down the street, many more will be tomorrow, because their garden is devastated, and like theirs all the resulting vegetable gardens, but most of these still do not understand that it is not a virus that destroys their life, but a project, a goal pursued for years.

The people are like a child, they play their life in complete unconsciousness and refuse to grow up until the toy is taken out of their hands, at which point, like every child, they become violent. Violent without an end, without a precise thought of who the aggressor is; he only sees the hand of whoever takes the game away from him, does not face it. He doesn't see it now as he didn't see it decades ago.

In decades there has been a systematic removal of the social rights conquered in years of struggles, of the balance that saw the essence of anti-liberalism in article 41. Today we move on to the removal of fundamental rights that millions of people are happy to give up in the name of a crisis that exists only in the media, but not in numbers. They renounce as they renounced social rights when the crisis was economic and the "market" had to be satisfied, as if the market had not caused the same crisis.

Italian fools, European fools, foolish peoples, history does not teach and even if it had taught something, it is enough to change the rules of the game and present the "conquests" in another form and we are already unable to perceive the same end. Incredulous because they do not recognize the signs, despite the people who have listed and presented them for years.

So when I meet the gentleman at the supermarket who smugly tells me to put the mask on my face, I just have to do it, overcome by that boredom that only children can cause with their unconsciousness to reality, a consciousness that should then be developed by school and from free information, both long deceased in our country.

Good guerrilla warfare, the army will arrive shortly.

Jacopo Cioni

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The article Unconscious Children comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bambini-incoscienti/ on Sun, 25 Oct 2020 09:17:09 +0000.