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USA: change of course towards Covid treatment

The US changes its strategy against Covid. The Biden administration is planning to purchase 10 million doses of Pfizer's antiviral healing pill, a substantial investment of five billion. US government officials believe its massive implementation will change the number of hospitalized cases and deaths.

On Tuesday, the FDA and Pfizer finalized the final details on submitting an emergency authorization application for the new drug, Paxlovid, which must be administered within five days of infection to be effective. As we mentioned in SE this is the second drug of its kind after Merck's, developed with Ridgeback Bitherapeutics. In theory, however, according to the information provided, the Pfizer drug has superior efficacy.

The members of the Biden administration think they can, in this way, change the course of the epidemic and restore everyone to a normal situation. With prompt and early treatment, if effective, Covid-19 will be reduced to one of countless seasonal diseases. The choice is almost obligatory, in the face of 30% of Americans who do not want to get vaccinated and infections that are increasingly widespread even among the inoculated. However, the administration also wishes to procure the Merck medicine.

A nice change of course that should also put an end to the legal fight on the vaccination obligation. Among other things, Pfizer has decided to grant the production license also to those who manufacture generics, facilitating their diffusion.

A little curiosity: in the US many argue that Paxlovid is a protease inhibitor, as is the infamous Ivermectin.

It is not certain that two drugs that act on the same mechanism are similar, but, frankly, we leave the discussion to the experts. We will see if this change of course will guide the behavior of other governments.

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The US article : change of course towards Covid treatment comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/usa-cambio-di-rotta-verso-la-cura-del-covid/ on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 11:00:40 +0000.