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Economic Scenarios

Varoufakis: the Recovery Fund is irrelevant, then the blow of austerity will come

Yanis Varoufakis bluntly: having already attacked Mario Draghi following the choice to partner with McKinsey to process the RecoveryPlan Italian, former Finance Minister of greek things worse on RecoveryFund and the reorganization plan of the 'Europe all for the post-pandemic. "They do not see the elephant in the room," says Daniel Denvir interviewed by the Lannan Foundation and Haymarket Books, "after Covid -19 a huge hammer will hit the European Union: that of austerity." The Recovery Fund is just an illusion, weighing less than 1% of GDP, it's not even worth talking about.

An ominous prediction that stems from a model, according Varoufakis, totally wrong debt sharing: a model that generates only intolerance among peoples, and not the peace that the 'theEuropeanUnion becomes bearer for years. Because it is not based on voluntary sharing, but on the forcing that some are obliged to share the debt of without having their opinion heard. Vorufakis quotes Rutte who is not wrong says: if I have to help you it's fine, I open my wallet and give you some money, but here they want me to sign a mortgage with you. This is nothing that increases unity in Europe, on the contrary it opens the door to greater conflict if not its explosion.

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The article Varoufakis: the Recovery Fund is irrelevant, then the blow of austerity will come from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/varoufakis-il-recovery-fund-e-inilfluente-poi-arrivera-la-mazzata-dellausterita/ on Sat, 20 Mar 2021 20:56:16 +0000.