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When in March 2021 we presented the success of research on anti-inflammatory drugs against covid-19

Here is the article of March 2021 on the research of the Mario Negri Institute on the efficacy of anti-inflammatories against the state “Tachipirina”. (or original here ). Because we will be economics experts, but we understand the meaning of a scientific paper better than many anchormans.

In recent days, the Mario Negri Institute in Milan has announced a study, currently being published, for the early treatment of Covid-19, even at the first symptoms and without a positive swab, which should make everyone think.

The protocol, applied to 90 people, compared to other 90 not treated, provided for the immediate use of Aspirin and anti-inflammatories, but not tachipirina, and cortisone drugs right from the start. The results were surprising: An average of 18 days for the recommended treatment versus 14 days for the other segment. Milder signs of the disease, such as loss of smell and fatigue, persist much less in the ninety patients treated with the protocol in question, 23 percent versus 73 percent. The big difference is recorded on the most delicate point. Only two of 90 (2.2%) patients in the reference group ended up in hospital compared to 13 of 90 (14.4%) . Eventually the number of hospitalized, and therefore of deaths, plummets. Yet the Mario Negri protocol is NOT applied nationally, and we are talking about an experimentation that was carried out in November 2020.

The situation is very serious: a government closes us in the house without scientific bases, BUT ignores the application of home care protocols that could solve most of the problems without excessive costs or a burden for health facilities. At the same time, scientific sources tell us that, alas, we will have to live with the virus for a long time. Why not treat him well, and immediately stop with this liberticidal and economically suicidal joke?

Given the insistence of the most anti-bertarian party in Italy, and perhaps of the world after the CCP, in the application of this system, that is the PD, we frankly ask ourselves if this is not a specifically intended strategy to bend and debase the popular will with the excuse of the virus. We hope to be proven wrong, but in the continuous silence of Speranza on home therapies there seems to be the will to reduce Italy to a single huge gulag.

Why does such a minister, with his snack companions, still sit in the government?

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The article When in March 2021 we presented the success of research on anti-inflammatory drugs against covid-19 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quando-nel-marzo-2021-presentavamo-il-successo-delle-ricerche-sugli-anti-infiammatori-contro-il-covid-19/ on Mon, 29 Aug 2022 08:37:57 +0000.