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Economic Scenarios

When petrol and diesel increase by 25 cents will you remain pro-European?

As the always excellent Sergio Giraldo carefully reminds us, the approval of the new ETS regime, ie carbon emission rights, will make itself felt hard on the budgets of Italian families.

Summing up the article that appeared today, April 20, in La Verità, we remind you that with yesterday's vote in the European Parliament (Majority EPP+S&D (i.e. the PD)+Greens+M5s) it was decided to apply taxes on 'carbon emission, to be paid by purchasing the relevant expensive emission rights, even for domestic consumption. So even petrol, diesel, LPG, and methane from motor vehicles and domestic heating will come to pay these rights, which will be collected by the Union and will not go to the nation states.

Giraldo does the calculations and the application of the new regime will mean:

  • + 260 euros per year minimum per family for natural gas heating;
  • + 23 cents more per liter for petrol;
  • +25 cents more per liter of diesel

Obviously, the increase in diesel, used for commercial motor vehicles, will then have heavy repercussions on the entire downstream supply chain, leading to a much-needed inflationary outburst. Note that this rule is then added to the CBAM, i.e. the carbon duty system which will weigh on a large part of imported goods, especially those of lower cost which are usually purchased by those with low incomes, and therefore with the famous green home reform, which will force most of you to renovate at your own expense. In theory, the Commission will make available funds, from 69 to 85 billion euros for the whole EU, but these are ridiculous figures for the whole continent.

When you see your meager wallet dried up by these European taxes on incomes that will NOT grow, will you still be foolishly pro-European? Do you still want to "Die for Brussels", do "Not the good of Italy but the good of Europe" (PD trademark)? Or will you also begin to think that it is better to put a sharp correction to all this?

Furthermore, when there will be the European elections (May 2024) remember that those you vote for are those who will then approve, or can cancel, these rules. So if you're staying at home then don't complain at the service pump…

Enter the service pump…

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The article Will you remain pro-European when petrol and diesel increase by 25 cents? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quando-la-benzina-e-il-gasolio-aumenteranno-di-25-centesimi-resterete-europeisti/ on Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:55:12 +0000.