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Economic Scenarios

Who voted in the Italian parliament in favor of the Green Pass in its various versions (work, obligation, etc.)

To complete the general information and thanks to the Telegram channel Pippocamminadritto we publish a complete list of "Who voted who" in the Chamber of Deputies in the last legislature regarding the Green Pass and its application.

The list is complete and divided among the various votes: vote on the "Base" Green pass (the European version, only for certain trips) to the mandatory Green Pass for work, the reinforced Green Pass, the one that introduced a vaccination obligation, to Super Green Pass required to work, which then created a surreptitious vaccination obligation.

You can download the complete list AT THIS LINK

However, we publish some partial screenshots, also to give you an example of how you will find the file

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The article Who voted in the Italian parliament in favor of the Green Pass in its various versions (work, obligation, etc.) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/chi-ha-votato-nel-parlamento-italiano-a-favore-del-green-pass-nelle-sue-varie-versioni-lavoro-obbligo-etc/ on Mon, 01 Aug 2022 10:02:28 +0000.