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“You will fly without GPS”: Russian federal authorities warn commercial jets that GPS service could disappear

Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

The Russian air traffic regulator has sent a warning to airlines about the possibility of having to fly without being able to use the American global positioning system (GPS).

Russian newspaper Izvestia reported Friday that a letter from the Federal Air Transport Agency (FATA) instructed national airlines to be aware of "GPS failures, degradation and abnormal performance."

It seems that this notice is linked to a warning from the European authorities on the possibility of "Disruption or interruption of service" of the geolocation mark and would be linked to specific areas between Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean

Modern aircraft are closely linked to GPS systems, so much so that they make automatic course corrections if the GPS location signal does not correspond to the aircraft's position. Landing procedures are also connected to the GPS. The crews are trained to operate even without GPS and it is possible, per se, to use course corrections with indication of the controllers on the ground. The letter states that FATA will assist aircraft crews when GPS signals are interrupted or turned off and recommends alerting the control immediately of any problems, in order to have the necessary information and alert other aircraft in the area.

The letter states that aircraft crews must be prepared to perform take-off and landing without GPS and rely on backup air navigation aids, in this case especially with the system, ILS tested.

The GPS system is based on two subsystems, one public, free, used by all aviation companies, as well as for many other applications, and one private, for military use. Being available without limits has made it the most popular system commercially, becoming almost essential. A very clever strategy that has tied the world almost to a single system. The USA cannot detach Russia from the GPS, or rather they can do it with great difficulty, but they can locally disturb the signal. Furthermore, it seems that the Russians have tried to disturb the geolocation to make life more complicated for Ukrainian drones.

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The article "You will fly without GPS": Russian federal authorities warn commercial jets that the GPS service could disappear comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/volerete-senza-gps-le-autorita-federali-russe-avvertono-i-jet-commerciali-che-il-servizio-gps-potrebbe-sparire/ on Sun, 24 Apr 2022 07:00:57 +0000.