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Another medal is affixed to his chest, Son sinks 100 meters underground

It was a frightening afternoon – fortunately without consequences – that General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo lived yesterday in Cazzighettone (CR), sunk a hundred meters underground due to the weight gained after receiving the 118th medal affixed to his chest.

Emergency Commissioner Covid was in the city of Cremona province to collect the prestigious “ War Cross for Military Valor ” award to help a kitten, which was trapped in a tree, wear the mask.

In front of an exultant and visibly moved audience, Figliuolo prepares to receive the medal during the public ceremony held in Piazza del Municipio, while the Fanfare of the 9th Battalion of the Slingers of Casteldildone performs the piece “ Breathe ” by The Prodigy . But at the very moment when the cross was attached to him, the ground beneath his feet suddenly gave way, falling from the 12 tons of weight coming from the general's jacket.

After the initial scrutiny, those present immediately looked to the edge of the abyss created, to ascertain Figliuolu’s health status. Fortunately, from the bottom of the abyss came the echo of his voice: "I 'm fine, I made the call ." With the rapidity of spirit and renunciation that distinguish him, the senior officer of the Alpine troops immediately took action to coordinate the recovery work of his person, make the area around the accident safe, and reach out to place a hydraulic crane.

A tool was lowered to a depth of 118 meters; after messing up, the general gave the order to pull, but also because of the weight, the crane’s engine broke down, catching fire. A second larger vehicle crashed in two as soon as the cable was activated. Son was still recovering in the sixth attempt, after the mayor of Cazzighettone finally suggested to the general to take off his jacket before attempting to climb.

Undaunted and unaware of the possible medical consequences, the general ordered the continuation of the festivities. The evening ended with a surprise award ceremony: Figliuolo in fact received another medal for military valor, for having convinced, when he was underground, a mole without a vax to take the vaccine.

The emergency commissioner also found time to answer questions from reporters, and referred to the case of Furia Scartezzini, 74, (who received 163 doses of the vaccine, one a day, from 3 p.m. from March to today), guaranteed that, pending the decision of the technical-scientific committee, in the coming days the lady will regularly receive the doses numbers 164, 165, 166 etc.

Gianni Zoccheddu

The article They affixed another medal to his chest, Son sinking 100 meters underground comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/gli-appuntano-unaltra-medaglia-al-petto-figliuolo-sprofonda-100-metri-sottoterra / u Tue, 14 Sep 2021 08:32:57 +0000.

The article Another medal is affixed to his chest, Son sinks 100 meters underground comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/una-altra-medaglia-he-appiccicata-a-u-so-pettu-figliolu-affonda-a-100-metri-sottu-terra/ on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 10:53:00 +0000.