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AstraZeneca, the Republic increases the dose: “Advanced vials will go to Texas for lethal injections”

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Rejected bottles of the AstraZeneca vaccine will be ready to be shipped overseas in Texas, United States. The idea, revealed by the newspaper La Repubblica, serious then the General Francesco Paolo Son persuasu recently the lethality of vaccines society Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical from its scientific committee web composed of ghjurnalisti Republic .

Son, recently appointed commissioner for the Covid emergency, is part of the “Pro-Death” Whatsapp group in which he was included by Putin. In the chat, which counts between its members Kim Jong-Un, Erdogan and Fedez , a few days ago we discussed precisely the need for Texas to renew the fleet of poisons used in death sentences.

The FBE (Federal Bureau of Execution), the U.S. government agency for execution based on a massacre in Travis, Texas, is examining the Italian proposal which could be very convenient especially since the pottery has become very expensive lately and and intravenous grenades.

"But we still don't know if the AstraZeneca vaccine is deadly enough." I mean, the professors, the health workers… are pimps compared to the convicted fairs made in America… However, according to the real vaccination booklet, which only we and Heather Parisi have, it seems to be pretty deadly, but we have to be sure ” he said. the president of FBE Leather Fauci .

“And then there’s the problem of the death cycle which for now involves two doses: we can’t keep the spectators from performing in that room for ten weeks waiting for the second dose! Maybe we’ll wait for Johnson & Johnson’s, which will be approved shortly and is a single dose. We are doing a preventive assessment that will end on Thursday, ”added Fauci.

At the offer of General Figliuolo, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza , did not even express his opinion: “The initiative of the General is interesting, I have analyzed it carefully and with an extreme sense of responsibility, I will soon end my reflections when Germany tells me what to think .

Prime Minister Mario Draghi , however, has already spoken out in favor, according to which "with what we are going to recycle the AstraZeneca doses as killer serum, we order other doses of Pfizer and have enough money to buy some buggies" .

However, they do not lack critical positions. First of all, Italian public opinion may be unfavorable to the indirect support of a practice such as the death penalty, which in Italy was in force until 1889 in the penal code, was reintroduced under fascism by 1926 to 1947, and it was not until 1994 in the Military Criminal War Code that it was repealed by law, and until 2007 in the Constitution when it was definitively repealed by the Codacons.

Protests were also launched by the "Hands of the Vaccine" association. The Italian NGO NoVax, which was born out of recent controversies over the side effects of vaccines, has in fact harshly criticized this choice, calling the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine to death row inmates “an excess inhuman of cruelty. Our consciences will be stained by this crime, and to remove them we need several Goji berries ” .

Meanwhile, after the latest suspensions against AstraZeneca from several European countries, the psychosis of vaccines is rampant, especially in Italy, where as a precaution people have also stopped buying AZ toothpaste.

Stefanu Pisani

The AstraZeneca, Republic article adds to the dose: “The remaining vials will go to Texas for lethal injections” comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/astrazeneca-repubblica-rincara-la-dose-fiale-avanzate-andarán-in-texas-per -le-injections-lethal Wed Wed, 17 Mar 2021 09:29:35 +0000.

The article AstraZeneca, The Republic increases the dose: “Advanced vials will go to Texas for lethal injections” comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/astrazeneca-a-republica-aumenta-a-dosa-i-flaconi-avanzati-anderanu-in-texas-per-iniezioni-letali/ on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:40:00 +0000.