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All the (bad) records of Italy on education

All the (bad) records of Italy on education

Italy has the worst results in the OECD: 39% of adults have no diploma and 4.6% are illiterate. Truenumbers article

Italy is the country with the highest percentage of adults of working age who hold only a middle school diploma as an educational qualification: they are 33% of the total, a record among all OECD countries. The graph below shows the percentage of working-age adults (25-64) with a given educational qualification in the main countries that are part of the Parisian organization.

Overall, therefore, considering all educational qualifications, Italy is in the middle of the ranking of the most educated countries, ahead of, for example, Turkey (41% only has an elementary school certificate, 5% not even that) and Portugal (29%, 2%); but it lags behind the countries to which it is most often compared.

In France, only 22% of working-age adults do not have a high school diploma, against 39% in Italy. In Germany the percentage is very low: 14%, in the United Kingdom 19%. In terms of educational qualifications, Italy does worse than Greece, Chile and all the Eastern countries that are part of the OECD.

The number of people with a diploma is in line with the EU average and the OECD average: they are 41% of adults of working age, but the real difference lies in the limited number of graduates in proportion to the population.



To talk about the education situation in Italy, we take the most up-to-date data. Those of the last permanent Istat census. Among the population aged 9 and over, 35.6% have a secondary school diploma or a professional qualification, 29.5% a middle school diploma, 16% an elementary school diploma. Graduates and people who have obtained a diploma in Higher Artistic, Musical and Dance Education are 13.9% while illiterates and literates without qualifications reach 4.6%.


Only 0.4% (232,833) of research doctorates, who have the highest internationally recognized education level. The census highlighted important territorial differences. With regard to secondary school diplomas or professional qualifications, Trentino-Alto Adige, with 43.2%, is above the national average (35.6%) while Sardinia closes the ranking (30.3%) .


For middle school licenses, Sardinia itself holds the record (35.7%), followed by Sicily (33.5%), Valle D'Aosta (32.8%), Campania (32.4%) and Piedmont (30.7%). As for illiterates and literates without educational qualifications, the percentage is less than 4% in all the regions of the North, with the exception of Emilia-Romagna (4.3%). In the central regions the value fluctuates between 3.9% in Lazio and 4.8% in Umbria and Marche, while it reaches 7% in Calabria and 6.7% in Basilicata.

The share of Afam graduates or graduates (Higher Artistic, Musical and Dance Training) is higher than the national average in the Center (16%) and in the North-West (14.1%). Research doctorates compete in all divisions with an incidence between 0.3% in the South and 0.6% in the Centre. For the upper secondary school diploma or professional qualification, the largest share is found in the North-East (37.5%) while in the remaining divisions it varies between 31.2% of the two major islands and 37.3% of the Center. In the South, on the other hand, the largest share of people without any educational qualifications is recorded, they are 5.9%.


If we look at graduates as a whole, the distance between Italy and the rest of the advanced countries, however, has not diminished in recent years. On the contrary. On average in the OECD the proportion of young graduates has grown by 10%, from 34% to 44%, only by 8% in Italy, from 19% to 27%. With the exception of Germany, young people from the richest countries with degrees are well over 40% and then we fly up to 61% Canadians.


Here is the list of Italian Universities which, in the 2019-2020 academic year, have graduated more people:

  1. University of Rome "La Sapienza"
  2. University of Milan
  3. Bologna University
  4. University of Naples "Federico II"
  5. University of Turin
  6. University of Padua
  7. University of Florence
  8. University of Salerno
  9. University of Genoa
  10. University of Palermo

(Excerpt from an article published on truenumbers.it)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/italia-titoli-studio-licenza-media/ on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 05:36:06 +0000.