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All the real files (other than Fedez) that shake the Roman palaces

All the real files (other than Fedez) that shake the Roman palaces

What are the dossiers that are really splitting the government majority according to the political notist Francesco Damato

I have lost count of the more or less important things we should feel waiting for to clarify Italy's prospects.

The reforms on which the actual availability of the more than 200 billion euros allocated by the European Union, including non-repayable fund and loans, for the recovery plan and personally guaranteed by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi by telephone to the President of the Commission in Brussels hangs? Who trusted him, as he probably would not have done with Giuseppe Conte.

The fate of the duplicity of the line chosen by the new secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, on the one hand recognizing himself in Draghi and on the other by pushing the Lega di Matteo Salvini out of the government one day and the other, thus causing the crisis even with the curious air of wanting to strengthen its structure?

The succession to the Quirinale, where in February the Parliament and the regional delegates will have to send a new president of the Republic, if Sergio Mattarella does not decide to sacrifice himself for a re-election as happened with Giorgio Napolitano in 2013, when the parties paraded on the Hill to ask him to stay longer for a while, having failed to find him an heir?

The fate of a Superior Council of the Judiciary which by now, without offense to the institute, from a self-governing body of the judiciary to guarantee its autonomy, etc., etc., has become a bilge through which I doubt that one of the reforms which it also hangs on will ever pass. the aforementioned plan of recovery, that is, that of justice, or at least of the processes to concretize the "reasonable duration" generically guaranteed by the Constitution?

The list is only partial. And I left out on purpose the problem or the fate of the grillini – not indifferent to that of the government for their parliamentary consistency, still decisive for how many losses they have suffered between expulsions and voluntary exodus, since the 2018 elections – because it is difficult to decrypt latest news from those parts.

We must ask ourselves, in particular, if and to what extent it will be able to destabilize the 5 Star Movement being re-founded by Giuseppe Conte, in solidarity with the duplicity already mentioned in Enrico Letta's line, the further step towards the split constituted by the blog that Davide Casaleggio he did his own, subtracting it from movement, coloring the stars that were yellow in red and exhibiting, let's say, Alessandro Di Battista on the cover.

Dibba, for friends, is not a parliamentarian, having not re-nominated in 2018 to reserve the second cartridge then allowed to career grillini, but he could collect the moods and discontent of those still in the first term, as he was three years ago, they feel in danger not only for the enthusiastic cut of seats, that is masochistically, made during this legislature, but also for the possibility now accredited by Conte to limit turnover by granting exceptions to the prohibition of more than two mandates.

In short, it is all a problem of places, other than of political line, of ecological transition, energy and the like. I envy Draghi for the Olympic tranquility that he still manages to oppose to this painting that looks like a bad copy of the scream of the famous Norwegian painter Edward Munch.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tutti-i-veri-dossier-altro-che-fedez-che-squassano-i-palazzi-romani/ on Tue, 04 May 2021 06:26:33 +0000.