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Because Draghi doesn’t care about Salvini’s tear on the tax authorities

Because Draghi doesn't care about Salvini's tear on the tax authorities

What happened between Draghi and Salvini on the fiscal delegation. The Scratches of Damato

“Salvini's tear” dominates the front pages of the newspapers to announce the decision of the Northern League leader to have his ministers desert the government meetings on the so-called “ fiscal delegation ”. Which punctually, with respect to the program presented to Parliament and now also linked to the recovery plan and the related European funding, the Prime Minister has decided to bring to the Chambers.

But Mario Draghi's reaction is also a "tear", at least with respect to the practice followed on other issues on previous occasions, marked by postponements and supplementary consultations, for example when protests, resistance and threats were launched on several occasions dei grillini, the government's changes to the reform of the criminal trial, then under consideration by the competent Montecitorio commission. Do you remember?

What this time led Draghi to go straight, in combination with the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco, practically challenging Salvini to justify the reasons for the dissent, but really, by entering into the contents of the delegated bill. And not just protesting against the half hour that the Prime Minister would have left at the disposal of the leaguers to examine the text, as if it were a "horoscope", before discussing it collectively? At least two reasons have pushed the Prime Minister to do this.

First of all, Draghi is convinced that he has already discussed the subject with the representatives of Salvini's party, and perhaps with Salvini himself, providing all possible explanations for him. And also assuring with public declarations that the revision of the building cadastre, including the delegation, will not result in a greater burden for taxpayers, instead taken for granted by the right-wing opposition of Giorgia Meloni and feared, to say the least, by the party of Salvini. On the other hand, to translate the revision of the land registry into higher taxation it would be necessary to wait for the epilogue, not before 2023, that is when there will be another Parliament. Where Salvini and Meloni, in theory, according to their beliefs, could find themselves in the majority or even lead the government, depending on which of their parties will have taken the most votes in the center-right coalition, with or without the dash exhumed by Silvio Berlusconi . Or they can find themselves in opposition, and play their game from there.

There is also the awareness on the part of Draghi – even if the Prime Minister has diplomatically pretended not to know or want to judge this all-political aspect of the problem – of a strengthening derived to the government from the results of the local elections on Sunday and Monday, given how the two parties that participate in it with the greatest suffering came out – somewhat battered. And that they are the Lega, in fact, and the 5 Star MoVement now led by Giuseppe Conte: both of them are not very interested, at this point, if they have a bit of salt in their hands, not to worsen their situation with a crisis – not the " crisetta ”on which he titled Libero – destined to lead to early elections after the current Chambers will have solved, predictably in February, the knot of the Quirinale by electing Sergio Mattarella's successor or confirming the outgoing president of the Republic. That he is looking for a house to rent, okay, as Corriere della Sera recently documented with a lot of photos, but without necessarily having to leave his quirinal accommodation if he still needs it for a while.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-draghi-se-ne-frega-dello-strappo-di-salvini-sul-fisco/ on Wed, 06 Oct 2021 05:52:20 +0000.