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Because Meloni and Schlein can toast

Because Meloni and Schlein can toast

The other party leaders were right not to want a TV duel between Meloni and Schlein which would have further increased the consensus for FdI and Pd… Damato's Graffi

To really find Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein together, in alphabetical and electoral order after the vote for the renewal of the European Parliament, we need to resort to either some photomontage or some archive photos, taken for casual or circumstance encounters. Their opponents, not even hidden so much within their respective sides, have managed in recent weeks to avoid that direct confrontation or duel on television for which the two first women of Italy were available with the hosting of Bruno Vespa on Rai. Now those opponents, I repeat, find themselves forcefully imposed as protagonists by the certified reality with electoral results which some still doubt, they must have been so surprised. “Where is the victory?”, they asked, for example, at the manifesto , where there is also a certain tradition of acuteness and spirit.

The victory, I repeat, is in the electoral numbers of the prime minister and leader of the Italian right and of the secretary of the Democratic Party. The defeat, to remain in Italy, is in the result from vegetables or fruit at Giuseppe Conte's supermarket, with that 9.99 percent, not to say 10, reached by the grillini as their historic minimum. And in that third place to which Matteo Salvini's League fell in the centre-right, "betrayed" at the polls – friends said – also by the party's founder Umberto Bossi, who went to vote in a wheelchair.

There is a cartoon from ItaliaOggi that clearly imagines a toast between Meloni and Schlein who are clutching not glasses but the heads, respectively, of Salvini and Conte. Who immersed himself in a declared and uncomfortable, at least, reflection on how he has reduced the 5 Star Movement with his ambition to impose himself on the "progressives", as he calls them, as a re-candidate for Palazzo Chigi. From where he probably still considers himself to be unfairly ousted in 2021 in favor of Mario Draghi who he had considered too tired from the efforts in Frankfurt, as president of the European Central Bank, to want to succeed him.

Even at Fatto Quotidiano , where in the past he was defined as the best Prime Minister after Camillo Benso di Cavour, they portray him or propose him in a modest pose. The director Marco Travaglio himself, as usual guest on Lilli Gruber's television show, had to speak of him as the great loser of the European elections.

The two winning and antagonistic women, now separated by a modest 5 percent of the votes of their respective parties, are preparing to converge in Europe, barring complications, to confirm the German and popularist Ursula von ver Leyen as president of the Brussels Commission. And Conti's Notizia , a proudly five-star newspaper, headlines and comments in a dramatic tone: "The pacifist vote is growing but if Ursula gets an encore, the war party will remain in charge." To Putin's Russia, which perhaps expected much more from the European polls.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-meloni-e-schlein-possono-brindare/ on Tue, 11 Jun 2024 04:47:13 +0000.