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Because the referendums on justice cause the Pd and the 5 Star Movement to emerge

Because the referendums on justice cause the Pd and the 5 Star Movement to emerge

There are those who think that the Quirinale matches and the referendums on justice can be intertwined. Here because. Considerations between history and news of the political notist Francesco Damato

In a Chamber, despite being exhausted by Covid and frustrated by the fact of not having been able to touch the ball in the budget game, or financial maneuver, all played in a hidden way in the Senate, reasonableness has it that the former Renzian minister Maria Elena Boschi, also helped from her physical attractiveness that must be recognized without having to incur who knows what insults for this, has acquaintances, impressions, feelings superior to those of us poor parliamentary journalists. Moreover, we come from a long abstinence from the Transatlantic: the historic Montecitorio corridor only recently returned to our more or less lost steps with deputies, passing senators, ministers, bag holders, spokespersons and so on

Boschi, I said, must have heard and warned enough to be able to say in an interview with the Messenger , before the newspapers took a full two days of Christmas absence: "I know for sure that Letta and Conte need early elections, as well as would like Meloni ". Moreover, the three have recently had opportunities to meet and celebrate each other, albeit under the annoying rain that wet the annual gathering of the "brothers of Italy". Moreover, they are united by unease or indifference towards the referendums on justice to which the government of Mario Draghi has laudably decided not to oppose in the preventive examination of the Constitutional Court.

“The parliamentary majority and the presidential majority have always been two different aggregations, not necessarily converging. If you go to the vote it is for Letta, Meloni, Conte ", insisted the former minister and very loyal of Matteo Renzi, disputing between the lines the concerns expressed by Draghi in his press conference at the end of the year – that of the" grandfather at the disposal of institutions ”- on the political risks of a split in the government's large emergency line-up on the occasion of the election of the President of the Republic.

The memory of the election of Giovanni Leone to the Quirinale on Christmas Eve 1971 helps us a little. unavoidable who knows for what algorithm but only because the DC, a relative majority party led at that time by Arnaldo Forlani, considered it politically convenient to resort to the polls for the consequent postponement of the referendum on divorce, particularly inconvenient for the anti-divorce crusader shield, but also for the Divorce PCI. As this time, the referendums on justice are for both the Democratic Party and for what remains, under the guidance of the lawyer Giuseppe Conte , of the 5 Star Movement: both of them often let themselves be influenced by the magistrates, except to regret the accidents, so to speak, that occurred. even to someone on their side with late acquittals, to irreparably damage caused to the former accused.

The magistrates, especially those on the front line, who grew up in the shadow of their investigations emphasized and piloted also in the leaks of information useful for media and summary trials, which precede the ordinary ones in the courts, have a lot, indeed a lot to fear from the evidence referendums promoted by those pain in the ass of radicals and Northern League finally converted to guarantorism, after having fueled justicialism and manectarianism over the years – do you remember? – of "Clean Hands". The noose waved by a member of the League in the courtroom during a debate and seized by President Giorgio Napolitano is still kept in a Chamber deposit.

They are stories of other times, someone from the parts of the Northern League will say. Okay, but up to a certain point. However, it is always good to know and remember them, even under the Christmas tree, also to scrutinize and evaluate what is happening. And it could even repeat itself.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-i-referendum-sulla-giustizia-fanno-sbroccare-pd-e-movimento-5-stelle/ on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 07:05:47 +0000.