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Because Travaglio del Fatto almost says Vaffa Conte

Because Travaglio del Fatto almost says Vaffa Conte

What happens between the pentastellato Conte and the director of the Fatto Quotidiano, Travaglio, who has always been close to the Movement founded by Grillo

This is not a joke. It is a metaphor adopted by Giuseppe Conte himself that of the pilot of the 5 Star Movement finally able, after the digital referendum that ratified his large organization chart, for a complex of more than ninety appointments including vice presidents, coordinators, managers and so on. , to leave with the car full of fuel and the safety belts – I imagine – fastened. It is a machine, in truth, with an unspecified number of engines, all "on", according to the announcement given to the assistants. To whom, however, passing to the singular, Conte proudly asked: "Can you hear the roar of this engine?". Word of Claudio Bozza in Corriere della Sera , cautiously on page fifteenth.

Even Marco Travaglio on the Fatto Quotidiano , while satisfied with the completion of a journey that began in February in a Roman hotel overlooking the imperial forums, where the former Prime Minister received from Beppe Grillo himself , in the presence of his usual close friends, the task of “Refounding” the movement most represented in Parliament but already somewhat confused and disorganized, had to admit the fragility of the “90 per cent average” boasted in the announcement of the favorable results of the digital referendum on internal appointments. 28,322 people voted – hopefully – of the 131,790 entitled to vote, equal to about 20 per cent, even lower than the recent test on the conversion to the public funding mechanism of 2 per thousand for parties. 90 percent of the yes was therefore only 20 percent of the voters. In short, the fuel of Conte's car does not seem the best even – I repeat – to an admirer of the professor-pilot like Travaglio. Indeed, he took advantage of the opportunity to "give a warning" to the former Prime Minister, also or above all in view of the trial that awaits him in the presidential elections in January.

“Everyone – wrote Travaglio about Conte – has his own ways and he, as Grillo said once in a while not out of place, is“ a gentleman more suited to penultimatums than ultimatums. He would not be able to speak ill of Beelzebub, indeed he would find something good in it. So no one expects him to define Berlusconi as psycho-dwarf or whoremonger. But to say that “he has done many good things” or to pay “with respect to the net conflict of interest” to an offender that the Supreme Court indicates as a tax fraudster and financier of the Mafia is much less than the minimum wage, especially for the 5S leader. In politics, after the good performances as prime minister, Conte has nothing to learn from Grillo (who must be forgiven for his unconditional surrender to Draghi), but in communication, yes ".

I leave you to imagine what a blow to the shins, or elsewhere, it would be for Travaglio I do not say a turnaround but a simple lowering of the usually rude tones of Grillo towards Berlusconi. From whose race to the Quirinale, although not yet official, Travaglio is obsessed almost more than by an afterthought of Sergio Mattarella after all the no pronounced to the encore, even after the one claimed at La Scala even from the gallery, according to the testimony of the quirinalist of Corriere della Sera Marzio Breda, almost tempted by this circumstance to join himself in the appeals that still seem to annoy the outgoing president of the Republic so much.

The photomontage published today in the Fatto Quotidiano confirms the obsession of Travaglio, which sees Berlusconi everywhere, as best it could be. And he almost attributes to him all the "273 changes of coat out of 945 parliamentarians" that occurred in Parliament since the 2018 elections: traitors, deserters, corrupt, lazy and anything else among which the "psycho dwarf" of Grillina invoice would be drawing the necessary votes to his own election. He would miss them for the fourth and subsequent ballots, with an absolute majority and no more than two thirds, now only 25 according to the calculations I did not understand if more than Berlusconi or Travaglio himself.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-travaglio-del-fatto-dice-quasi-vaffa-conte/ on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:27:27 +0000.