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Cloud: Leonardo with Microsoft will challenge Fincantieri and Tim

Cloud: Leonardo with Microsoft will challenge Fincantieri and Tim

What will Leonardo announce with Microsoft on the cloud in view of the national strategic pole

The alliances of the large Italian companies are emerging in view of the national strategic hub for the Cloud.

After the alliance between Tim and Google, and the surprise one of Fincantieri with Amazon web services, now it is the turn of the Leonardo group (formerly Finmeccanica) to enter into an agreement with an American giant.

Will it be Microsoft, as Startmag.it mentioned yesterday ?

The indiscretion is corroborated today by the indiscretions of Andrea Bassi, an economics journalist at the daily Il Messaggero .

“According to the Messenger , Leonardo is about to sign a cooperation agreement with Microsoft. And once again, at the center of the agreement, there would be cloud services ", writes Bassi:" At this point, however, the government will find itself having to untie a knot. He will have to compete in a European competition, pitting three national champions against each other, and assign the national strategic pole to only one, or he will have to choose a different model, as for example the Israelis did, giving life to a model of "qualifications" ? "

"It would be, that is, a system in which anyone who possesses certain requirements could be accredited as a supplier of the Public Administration and develop services for those who request them – added Il Messaggero – It is not yet clear which path will be chosen by the government. , but the game has just begun ”.


The move that will soon be officially announced by Leonardo follows the surprise one by Fincantieri. In recent days, the group led by Giuseppe Bono and Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most complete and widespread cloud services platform in the world, signed a cooperation agreement to accelerate the digital innovation and technological development of the country, essential for its growth.


The two companies will support – reads the press release – the implementation of the “Italia Digitale 2026” plan, part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), which has defined specific objectives and priorities for the digitization of the country and the Public Administration. The companies will support the plan by collaborating in the definition of a series of common projects, also through awareness-raising and education activities on new technologies and their productive potential for the growth of the country.


In particular, the two companies recognize the importance of cloud technologies for the digital transformation of Italy, aiming to enhance their potential in terms of reliability, efficiency, sustainability, security and scalability, is emphasized in the press release. The companies will collaborate in the creation of an ecosystem to provide technological and infrastructural solutions to institutions, public administration, citizens and companies, strengthening the country's National Cyber ​​Security Perimeter and its digital sovereignty.


And the former Finmeccanica? "Leonardo's Cloud Computing platform, integrated into the National Cloud, becomes the primary tool for modernizing and relaunching the country for a large public-private program that makes Italy digitally secure and sovereign, allowing it to join the European Cloud Gaia X ; you create business and jobs; favor the change of management model of entire national sectors; integrates Leonardo's technological capabilities by connecting to Davinci-1 ”, said in recent days the number one of Leonardo, Alessandro Profumo.


The former Finmeccanica is investing heavily in the implementation of Cloud solutions integrated with cyber security services. In fact, the recent partnership with Aruba, the largest Italian cloud provider and leader in data center services, web hosting, e-mail, PEC and domain registration, fits into this perspective. The new offer arises from the integration of Leonardo's cyber security services with the Aruba cloud and is dedicated to large companies and organizations, National Critical Infrastructures (CNI), Public Administration, Defense. However, it must be said that Aruba, an important company in the ICT landscape, cannot be compared to the so-called hyperscalers of the cloud, namely the various AWS, Google and Microsoft, was underlined on Startmag in recent days.

But soon – as mentioned – Leonardo will announce an agreement with Microsoft.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/cloud-ecco-come-leonardo-con-microsoft-sfidera-fincantieri-e-tim/ on Tue, 25 May 2021 14:30:15 +0000.