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Conte did badly with Mattarella, that’s why

Conte did badly with Mattarella, that's why

Conte may have relied too much on betting on Mattarella's willingness to dissolve the Chambers and send the Italians to the polls in a pandemic that is still underway in order to keep him or save him at Palazzo Chigi. The political note of Francesco Damato

The crisis also of the second government of Giuseppe Conte, like that of the first in 2019, now runs with such speed or evidence, probably destined to reach the finish line with or in the Befana sock, that even the most refractory to the event speak and write about it as practically taken for granted. This is the case of the Fatto Quotidiano , which refers to it in red at the opening of the first page, albeit as small as possible. Or the Corriere della Sera .


To bring down Conte's latest illusions on what Il Fatto defines as "the hunt for" responsible "senators fleeing FI", understood as Forza Italia by Silvio Berlusconi, "and by Iv", understood as Italia Viva by Matteo Renzi was the very clearwarning from the Democratic Party through the mouth of the group leader in the Senate Andrea Marcucci. Who said: "It is madness to go on picking up some senators", that is, producing a false and indefinite majority, certainly not up to tasks such as the antiviral vaccination campaign and the use of huge European funds for the recovery or "restart" President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella said in his New Year's message . That the manifesto, but not only this newspaper, complete with a "frost" shot in the front page title, is also perplexed, if not decidedly opposed to such a stunted and weak solution to the impending crisis,


The irony or sarcasm of Sergio Staino, who does not forgive him for having allowed him as secretary, will certainly not stop Renzi, from whose disputes against government policy first began the so-called verification and then the negative epilogue that is maturing. of the Democratic Party the closure of “his” Unit , the historic PCI newspaper founded by Antonio Gramsci. In the cartoon published on the first page of the press he tries, in particular, to embarrass Renzi by accusing him of making a gift with the crisis to the hated Matteo Salvini, the leader of the League against whose request for "full powers" and early elections Renzi himself, still a member of the Democratic Party, promoted the formation of the current government in the summer of 2019.


To Renzi, disputing the right delegated to Maria Elena Boschi to speak scornfully of the center-right defectors who could serve as crutches to the outgoing Prime Minister, Marco Travaglio reproached in the Fatto Quotidiano that he had not only promoted the Giallorossi majority followed by the yellow-green one, but also of having made the party of which he was still a part, the Democratic Party, swallow Conte's confirmation at Palazzo Chigi, against the "discontinuity" requested by the secretary Nicola Zingaretti. And then – basically reproached the supporter of the outgoing government at the "Renzian gang" – after all, the parliamentarians of Italia Viva are also defeated for having left the party in which they were elected in 2018.


However, these are now only rhetorical controversies, so to speak, or political cunning, useless in the face of the fast pace of a crisis that, unless sensational surprises or miracles, will soon be handled by the worried head of state. On which Conte – I fear for him – has perhaps relied too much, betting on his willingness to dissolve the Chambers and send the Italians to the polls in a pandemic still in progress in order to keep him or save him at Palazzo Chigi.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-ha-fatto-male-i-conti-con-mattarella-ecco-perche/ on Sun, 03 Jan 2021 07:58:59 +0000.