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Credit Agricole, all the union swarms in the Creval

Credit Agricole, all the union swarms in the Creval

What happens to Credito Valtellinese (Creval) now of the French banking group Credit Agricole? Facts and rumors in the article by Emanuela Rossi

Crédit Agricole, commercial pressure in Creval (Credito Valtellinese).

A long-standing problem that continues to create difficulties for credit workers and to fuel strong discontent in relations between companies and trade unions. We talk aboutcommercial pressures in the banking sector, the subject of an agreement within the national employment contract for the first time on February 8, 2017.

The latest pain points come, according to Start Magazine , from Credito Valtellinese recently acquired by the French of Crédit Agricole. As sources inside the institute point out, however, the problem is much older , so much so that it was also raised during the previous management (and ownership).

But now it seems to be re-proposing itself and especially in the Fisac-CGIL union it is the subject of internal complaints and controversies at Creval under consideration by the national top of the federation of banking federation of the CGIL confederation, according to Startmag .


In this regard, it should be remembered the complaint received by Fisac ​​Cigl ( just over a year ago) who – during a meeting with the company at the meeting of the Joint Commission on commercial policies – underlined that "commercial pressures / actions remained unchanged, indeed they have been implemented, despite the persistent difficulties associated with the pandemic crisis ".


Also at that time on Milano Finanza Lando Maria Sileoni, Fabi national secretary, recalled how in 2017 "two company and national comparisons were introduced and regulated in the collective agreement for the reports of employees and trade union organizations, including territorial ones, which could have indicated all the anomalies with respect not only to the sale of financial products but above all to the methods and systems that were imposed on them ".

Until then, “the banks had always refused to come up with a true comparison on objective data, on the behavior of some of their managers and on the damage caused to the customers themselves, as well as all the psychological damage suffered by male and female workers. The exasperation of the commercial objectives of the banks had reached the limit ”.

Subsequently, on the occasion of the renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement, signed on 19 December 2019, the agreement on trade pressures of 2017 "was promptly and fully confirmed".

Sileoni, however, warned against easy enthusiasm: "Some large banking groups – through the work not of the managing directors but of some union relations managers who are eager to highlight themselves to the detriment of the psychophysical health of workers – are trying in every way, including in a subtle way, to nullify what was agreed at national level in February 2017 ".

Not only that: the CEOs of credit institutions – warned Secretary General Fabi – must know what is happening "because their work risks being thwarted and because bank workers and customers risk even more, forced to suffer collateral effects and inestimable damage ".
A few weeks later, during an online debate (https://www.startmag.it/ricoltura/care-banche-basta-con-i-ricatti-commerciali-ai-dipendenti/) with the president of ABI, Antonio Patuelli , Sileoni clarified that "if it is not eradicated" the problem of commercial pressures will be brought to the attention "of the highest financial authorities also at European level, giving names and surnames, also involving the Italian Parliament as well as the European one because at risk are not only the bank workers, but the same customers and the same companies and the savings of the Italians, protected by the Constitution ". For this reason, he asserted, “we need a politically strong Abi who enforces the national contract and who convinces the large banking groups that certain pressures and certain personalities not only cause damage to workers, but to the companies themselves”.


Recently, yet another trade union warning came from Riccardo Colombani, First CISL national secretary, who – on the occasion of the second national congress – gave an interview to Avvenire. The problem of commercial pressures, he highlighted, "is a problem that has been dragging on for years and that weighs heavily on workers, forced to pursue increasingly higher sales targets: a practice that often produces critical issues on the company climate and in relations with clientele. The agreement on trade policies that we signed in 2017 with ABI has in fact remained a dead letter – he said -. We are at a crossroads: either we find a solution now, in the sign of the responsibility that has always characterized industrial relations in the sector, or a season of tensions and conflicts will open ”.


Another relevant case should be mentioned, which concerns an important group, Bper. On 30 March, an agreement was reached between the trade unions in the sector and the top management of the group regarding commercial policies and work organization.

An agreement that came after the unions had been trying to raise the level of conflict for months. In July 2021, in a joint note, Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin had stated that the measures implemented by Bper – after repeated reports – had no appreciable effect and for this reason they asked to appeal to the National Policy Commission Commercial and Labor Organization, established in Palazzo Altieri; to plan a cycle of unitary assemblies on the various territories, to discuss commercial pressures; organizing protests and awareness raising in the territories.

Now the minutes of the agreement signed between the parties improves on the previous one of August 2018 and allows the contents of the national and company agreements to be made further payable and to assess any violations. In particular, the joint commission of the Bper group for commercial policies, established in 2018, will have a central role in supervising compliance with the agreement and in examining reports and guaranteeing the confidentiality and anonymity of those who report to mailboxes. dedicated. Another important point, underline in a joint note Fabi, First, Fisac, Uilca and Unisin, is represented by an "innovative forecast" concerning contact center workers, for whom it will not be allowed to use contact times with users for the purposes of performance evaluation. It is also stipulated that failure to achieve commercial quantitative objectives cannot lead to assignment to different roles or transfers.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/creval-credit-agricole-2/ on Mon, 02 May 2022 05:28:37 +0000.